Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Now let's back up....

'til Christmas! We started off Christmas this year on Reece's birthday, the 20th, with Josh's parents. There was lots of yummy food and the kids loved their gifts from them!

Boys with their new scooters...
Elaina with her new baby
Reece checking on her new baby! WITH her coat on, child would not take it off!
Aunt Janna
Granna's pretty white tree...wish I had the guts...
She would not take a pic with me so I said to her, "UM I birthed you two years ago today, could I at least get a picture?!?!?" ha!
Uncle Stephen and Sam

Christmas Eve Eve-did you catch that?-we went to Big Mama's house. She was so excited when she figured out that all of us went in together and bought her a Wii! Really! My 81 year old grandmother wanted a Wii!
Cute pic of hubs and this point he had lost 37 pounds and she had gained 37 pounds! hee hee!

Christmas Eve we headed to Josh's grandparents house for more yummy food and presents! IN THE RAIN! ugh! There are only a few pics, we took more, but I guess the lighting was bad and my camera was acting a fool! Or maybe it was the photographer!

Santa came and overdid it as usual!:)

"And WHY are we up so late?"

Josh had to work Christmas Eve but one of the other guys that has grown children came in early so that he could hopefully be home in time to see the kids wake up! I got up at 5:30 so that I could start cooking breakfast for part of my family that would be there bright and early(Mom's side) Griffin woke up around 6, just before Josh got home! Peyton and Reece had to be woken up......
My three boys rockin' out!
Teaching Granddaddy how to play Nintendo DS!
There's a pregnant lady in my house!
Allison and Brad gave Griff a Bakugan game for his Nintendo DS and I swear we didn't hear a peep for hours from him!
Pop made Reece a rocking chair. Here's her face when she figured out what it was!
Bella came to visit!
What would Christmas be without smooches from my favorite?? BORING!
And then I met my new baby sister at Papa and Gigi's....
This is my favorite pic....

Me and Kelsie with our baby girls!
And last, but heck no not least, Baby Daddy!

All in all, we had a fabulous Christmas as you can tell! We are blessed with a whole bunch of family that love and adore us!


1 comment :

Hoping for our own Peanut said...

Looks like you have a great Christmas week! I LOVE that rocking chair for Reese, how adorable!