Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I have alot to talk about!

Update: Baby Girl seems to be better, no fever since this morning! I think she just wanted to play hooky and get some time for herself with her daddy! Big Mama is good, she woke up from surgery and said, "I missed The Young and The Restless!" My kind of woman!

First things first....Please pray for my grandmothers. My MawMaw E. has been in and out of the hospital/rehab for a few months. She's back in rehab now and she is pretty homesick. Big Mama is having her knee replaced right this very second. She will be in the same rehab MawMaw E. is in in a few days...maybe they can be social butterfiles! Nonnie has been sick for many years with Lupas and several other things. MawMaw Betty as far as I know is fabulous right now...but she does have to put up with, pray for her too! I know that's ALOT of grandparents for a girl to have, but you should be jealous!

My sweet Griffin is next on my list today. There was a little boy in his class that was from Korea. He was only here for the first part of the school year. His name was Min Geon(gun) and he spoke no English, whatsoever. Griffin looked out for Min Geon and helped him with his classwork and somehow, someway Min Geon and Griffin could communicate and they became the best of friends. A few months ago Min Geon had to go back to Korea. Griffin was so sad that he had to go. He talks about him all the time. Yesterday when I got home I was looking through Griff's work for the day and there at the bottom there was a little sentence that broke my read, "By Min Geon you wer mi best frnd." Translates to "Bye Min Geon, you were my best friend." Talk about breaking a momma's heart! I wanted to jump on a plane with G and take him to see his friend!!!! I think we have Min Geon's email address so we are going to try and email him soon! I know he still has family here in town so maybe he will come and visit and Griffin can see him!

Baby Girl is sick today...not sure what is wrong with her...possibly teething, possibly hand, foot mouth...please be the teeth! I hope she feels better soon!

Peyton's preschool graduation is May 14th at noon at the church where he attends preschool...I figure if you know us enough to be there, then you know what church that is!

Griffin's Kindergarten graduation is May 22 at 8:30 am at Allison and Brad's church...again, I figure most of you know where that is, if not, let me know!

Now, on to TV. Dancing with the Stars last night freaked my freak! Melissa didn't get to perform Monday night because she broke her ribs and so the judges had to judge her on her rehearsal from earlier in the day. Of course, she wasn't even really trying, just marking. She was at the bottom of the leader board and trailed by 5 points! It came down to either her or Chuck Wicks getting sent home and thankfully, her fans pulled through and she was not sent home! I loved Chuck and Julianne, but Melissa has done way better throughout the season! And can I just say that I love Ty Murray...I could stick him in my pocket!! American Idol---I lurve Danny and Kris....but I really think that Adam will win. I like him know, he's kind of strange!

Guess that's enough blah blah for your day!

I just heard from Big Mama...well, not her.....she is out of surgery and in recovery! YAY!


Beth said...

I love it too!! Leslie is awesome! Yours looks so cute too.

Brooke said...

Yay for Big Mama! I used to call my grandmother Nonnie! How random :) You need to add my mom to your praying grandmother seven though she is not YOUR grandmother she is A grandmother :)