Wednesday, September 2, 2009

If you can't say something nice....

....don't say anything at all!
Remember that from Bambi? Well, some people didn't listen! I sometimes am blown away by people and their rudeness. Those people always call themselves "blunt" or "to the point". I think they are just rude and annoying! This happens to me all the time, I mostly just brush it off, but it does get on my nerves.

Take for instance Monday....Reece was sick all weekend and so I took her straight in to the doctor's office Monday morning during walk-in hours. When you walk in, you don't get your choice of doctor. That's fine most of the time. An hour and a half passes and in walks the doctor...

knock knock knock...and in walks the doc
"Hello Mrs. C, Hello Reece! Man, you got a great name like Isabella and ya had to go with Reece."

(Reece's first name is Isabella.)

Excuse me? Did you help conceive her? Then it's not up to you what we call her!

I gave her a look and if my daughter hadn't been so sick I probably would have told her where to go!

So, if you're reading this, think before you speak...ALWAYS!


Beth said...

WHAT??? i can't believe that Dr. said that! crazy! i agree, i think those kind of people are just rude. not everything that comes to mind needs to me said. it's called "self-control" people! and btw i love the name Reece!

Anonymous said...

That's so rude! I think both names are beautiful!

C & A said...

wow....i would have been so mad!! and i love her name! If Grace had been born a few years ago, she would have been an Isobel! Isobel is still on my Girl Baby Names list....just in case.....

Beth said...

I was reading in one of my Christian Mommy magazines this morning and they had an article on this exact subject! Weird huh?? They had a great bible verse to go along with it...."Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4:29. More people should live by that one! :)