Thursday, May 14, 2009

Peyton's Graduation!

Peyton graduated from preschool today! (no, I'm not crying! anymore...) His little class was so cute! They all had on their little cap and gowns....sweetness. They did the pledge, sang songs and then received their diplomas. When they first walked in I couldn't even see straight for all the tears pouring down my baby boy is growing up way too fast! I managed to compose myself after that and enjoyed the rest of the show! :) Tonight my baby sister graduates from high school. I can't believe she is grown. :( Needless to say, today is very bittersweet for me! Here are the pics from Peyton's graduation and I am sure that I will take plenty tonight and post them soon!

Walking in-the part I pretty much couldn't see! ha!

Peyton and Mimi

Peyton and Auntie Al

PawPaw, Granna and Peyton

Master P

They look like little angels!

All the kids put what there dreams are...

Peyton and one of his fabulous teachers, Mr. Daniel

Peyton and his girlfriend Mary Karsyn

PawPaw, Peyton and Daddy

Oh and do YOU SEE the scruffiness on my darling husbands face? They got a memo that they can start having beards at I have to deal with it!


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