Monday, March 2, 2009

Only in Alabama!

On Friday we had CRAZY bad weather, around 6 inches of rain and tornados EVERYWHERE! On Sunday morning, we woke up to snow! It only snowed around 4 inches or so and it didn't stay around long, but while it was here we played!

I didn't plan to take Baby Girl out to play..I know, bad mommy, but it was SO cold! I left her inside with Daddy and went out to play with the boys. I turned around to find the two of them on their way out to play with us and this is what she had on! So was one of the boys' old Halloween costumes!! He couldn't find her jacket, so he just put it on her! He is such a good daddy!

We had already planned on lunch at Big Mama's, these pics are on the road to her house!

Nick and Marcie's snowman

Smart dogs stay inside where it's warm!

Sadie LOVED the snow!!!


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