Friday, August 7, 2009


Overwhelmed??? Just a tad.

I don't even know where to begin! We've been so busy I can't even think straight! Be warned that this post is full of randomness!(is that even a word?!)

Work has been super duper busy. The first of the month is the busiest time for me and the whole office for that matter. That added to the fact that we have a new employee to get trained=no time to think! I seriously looked up and it was Friday!

Home has been just as busy! Monday night Josh had court. Tuesday night I had bunco. Wednesday night I HAD to go to the grocery store. Thursday night I don't even remember! Tonight....NOTHING! Saturday night-- family birthday party. Sunday afternoon--open house for the boys. Monday--something I can't remember. Tuesday--school starts(AND I have a mental breakdown!) Next Thursday my friend Jamie's little boy, Huston, is having a minor surgery...his first birthday party is next Saturday at the same time of my niece's 2nd birthday party!!! How's THAT gonna work??!?!?

Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeech! Brakes please!


Beth said...

what kind of surgery is Huston having??? i hope it's nothing serious!

C & A said...

whew...slow down! LOL. and YES, randomness is a word!! at least it is in my vocabulary and a few other peoples.... haha