Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Swimsuit Anxiety

It happens to me EVERY year. When it comes time to buy a swimsuit I start wanting to puke. I have the most HORRIBLE time trying to find one to fit. To the point of pissed off in the dressing room and giving up. Ask Josh.
My boobs are gianormous. People ask me on a daily basis,"Can I have your boobs?" YES, take them. I'm getting those puppies chopped off when we are done making babies! :) They are the main reason that I have so much trouble finding a bathing suit to fit because I'm small everywhere else!

So last night when I was lying wide awake because it was thundering SO loud I psyched myself up to go to Old Navy today and see what I could find. Well, you are not gonna believe it!!! I did not only find a bathing suit that fits perfectly.....I found TWO!!!!! Yippeeee!


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