Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pumpkin Carving Time!

I don’t know about y’all but this time of year completely overwhelms me! There’s something going on all the time. It starts every year on Griffin’s birthday and doesn’t end until Peyton’s birthday in January! But it’s also my FAVORITE time of year! Well, with the exception of cold weather!

Last Thursday after Reece and I got home from our hair appointment we started working on our ginormous( that so IS a word!) pumpkins! 20121025_192105 Half naked but y’all are used to that! haha!20121025_192003 20121025_192046After that the pumpkin carving king aka officer hubby got to work! IMG_20121027_172414 And yes the pumpkins are inside! We live in the sticks and no one can see our house from the road so it would be pointless for them to be outside! This way we get to enjoy them! :)

Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 26, 2012

14 Weeks!

How far along: 14weeks!!

Size of the baby: According to Baby Center, 3 1/2 inches long and about the size of a lemon.

Total weight gain/loss: I’ve decided I’m not weighing at home anymore. I’m just going to weigh at the doctor. I’ll fill y’all in on how fat I am then!

Maternity clothes: Nope.

Stretch marks: Old one.

Sleep: Sleep is ok.

Best moment this week: Carving pumpkins last night and getting Reece’s hair whacked off yesterday!!! It fits her sassy personality well!

Before…excuse the outfit, it was tacky day at school!20121025_074806 After…

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We cut SEVERAL inches off! As soon as she started cutting I knew it was the right move, it looks so much fuller and healthy!

Movement: Yes a little bit.

Food cravings/aversions: I really haven’t been craving anything this week. That’s weird. Still don’t want to look at eggs.

Gender: Is it April yet? I have a feeling it’s a girl.

Labor signs: NO, thankfully.

Belly button in or out: In

What I am looking forward to: My little brother’s ball game tonight, it’s a big game! He’s the #2 kicker in our region and he’s ONLY a junior. BOO-YA! I’m also looking forward to my step-sister’s baby shower on Sunday and Halloween next week! It’s almost Christmastime y’all!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!

Weekly wisdom: It’s hard to name your kids! Especially when it’s the 4th one! We have one girl name that we like. That’s it. And there’s no middle name to go with it. That’s not even wisdom, that’s just rambling.

Milestone: 2nd Trimester starts TODAY! Holy cow, we’ll have a newborn before we know it!

I thought my headaches were gone and then my head started pounding on the way to work this morning. Sheesh. I’m just glad I’m starting to feel a little bit more like myself! This is FOR SURE our last baby. I don’t like being ill and feeling like I can’t control how I feel…but I sure love the end result! :)

Friday, October 19, 2012

13 Weeks!


Hellllooooo baby bump! :)

I am having to force myself to take these weekly pictures. I am not one for pictures by myself AND I am not a serious person AT ALL. So I mostly just feel dumb.

How far along: 13 weeks!! Is it just me or is this pregnancy flying by?

Size of the baby: According to Baby Center, about 3 inches long and the size of a medium shrimp! I HATE shrimp so I found another website that says it’s the size of peach! MUCH better! ;)

Total weight gain/loss: I forgot to weigh this morning. oops.

Maternity clothes: Nope.

Stretch marks: Old one.

Sleep: Sleeping pretty well if I can keep the headaches away!

Best moment this week: We took the kids to the fall festival at school last night. They had so much fun! It’s nice to know that our move to a different school was a good one! The boys love it there!

IMG_20121018_180436 Painted hair…IMG_20121018_200730

Movement: Still feeling it every now and then! Bring on the kicks and punches!

Food cravings/aversions: Let’s see. Chocolate. Preferably Reese’s cups. Peyton got into my stash on top of the refrigerator and ate every.single.one. I was not a happy pregnant lady when I noticed! And a little side note: How about the ONLY thing that didn’t give me heartburn when I was pregnant with Reece was Reese’s Puff Cereal! :)

Gender:I think hubby has given up and given in. He never tells me no. Ever. Yes, I’m a spoiled brat. oops. So we’ll find out in April.

Labor signs: NO, thankfully.

Belly button in or out: In

What I am looking forward to: Our Tide smearing that ugly orange team tomorrow! ROLL TIDE!

Weekly wisdom: I don’t know. This one always gets me. Just don’t eat your momma’s stash of candy. k?

I am having some REALLY bad headaches. I had them with my other pregnancies too. It’s from pregnancy hormones. Not much I can do but tough it out. I have been taking Tylenol, which does help, but I feel guilty taking it. Sometimes it hurts so bad I can’t even see! I plan on getting as much rest as possible this weekend to see if that helps. If not, I’m calling my doctor Monday. I can’t function like this! I am not complaining, I will do whatever it takes and hurt for this baby! And on a positive note, I haven’t been nauseated much at all anymore! YAY!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


This past Friday when I was picking up Griffin’s cake the boys’ school called and said that Peyton almost passed out and that we needed to pick him up. They were having a bike-a-thon at school and this is when it happened. My heart sank because a week or so before that he had a little episode where he felt like he was going to faint at home.

So, we decided to take him to the doctor and have everything checked out. We were there for 3 1/2 hours. They drew a ton of blood. That looked ok. Then the doctor decided to check out his heart just in case. I was very thankful that the doctor is/was as concerned as we were.

Now we’re just waiting on an appointment to have an echocardiogram done. That’s scary. If everything comes back fine with his heart, then we will just wait. If another episode happens then we will do a CAT scan on his head. Now even more scary.

Please pray for our little guy.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Griffin!

Our sweet, spunky not so baby boy turned TEN years old yesterday! How is that possible? We had his party at the McWane Center in Birmingham on Saturday. It was a hit! I was so thankful his sweet friends didn’t mind the drive up and had a blast!


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Finding their inner James Spann the man…DSC_0149 DSC_0153 DSC_0156  We had a little hands on time with some creepy crawlers…There was a king snake, a gecko, tarantula, a turtle and some other type of lizard..don’t remember what it was called!DSC_0159 Ugh..he held the snake!DSC_0171 DSC_0167 She ONLY touched the turtle..don’t blame her.

DSC_0168 He LURVES his Unka Josh!DSC_0169I was SO excited to find sparkler candles at Target. Except they didn’t sparkle like I wanted..next time I’m using REAL sparklers! :) DSC_0157DSC_0177 DSC_0182 DSC_0200 Seriously? They.are.so.cute.DSC_0205 DSC_0208 DSC_0210

Then last night we took him to Best Buy to get his present from us and to eat at Kobe, his choice. :)20121014_191453

Friday, October 12, 2012

12 Weeks!

Picture to come! Peyton almost passed out at school and I have been at the doctor with him all day. He is fine for now, update on him soon!

How far along: 12weeks!

Size of the baby: According to Baby Center, about 2 inches long and about the size of a lime!

Total weight gain/loss: Lost a pound so I’m up 4 pounds. It’s not for lack of eating, let me assure you!

Maternity clothes: No, but I’m ready for them!

Stretch marks: Old one.

Sleep: I sleep pretty well.

Best moment this week: Yesterday we FINALLY got to see this sweet baby! I can’t tell you how much relief I felt seeing that sweet little peanut bouncing around and seeing that heart flutter away! Lucky for me, I am so far along that I didn’t have to have the traditional first ultrasound(if you know what I mean) I got to go ahead with ON the belly!img017

Movement: I’m gonna go ahead and throw it out there…I felt the baby last night! I know it is early, this is my fourth child. But I also know that was what it was! cha ching!

Food cravings/aversions: Eggs=gross. Just pass me the fresh pineapple and the Cheese-its!

Gender: Hubby told the ultrasound tech that we weren’t finding out, maybe he’s turned the corner! Heehee!

Labor signs: NO, thankfully.

Belly button in or out: In

What I am looking forward to: Our sweet baby boy will be TEN years old Sunday! How is that possible? Just typing that brings tears to my eyes! HAHAHA! His party is tomorrow at the McWane Center and I can not wait!!!! Going to be so much fun! He and all of his friends are SUPER excited!

Weekly wisdom: Fresh out.

I think I’m starting to feel better! Dare I say it?! My sisters tell me I’ve been kinda pissy the last 12 weeks! HAHA! And I already knew that! :) Bless them and Josh. And Griffin and Peyton and Reece! :)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Color Run!

I can’t even begin to tell you how much fun the Color Run was! We had the best time! Afterwards the kids told us we were the best parents EVER! :)

Lots of white before…20121006_082711 Photo by Skip Baumhower…Everyone had a fit over our tutu’s! :) 20121006_080747 20121006_083816


And lots of messy color after!20121006_101022 20121006_101105 20121006_102445

Another photo by Skip, thank goodness he was there because we obviously couldn’t take these! This is what happens when you finish the race…every 15 minutes each participant has their own color packet and you throw it all together! This is when we REALLY got covered!

Dude. This was FUN! The kids dumped theirs in their hair. I scrubbed their heads 3 times each and I still found more in Reece’s hair! HAHA!

There ended up being over 4500 participants. Some of the money raised will go to Read Bama Read, which is to put books back in the libraries destroyed by the tornado! So we had fun and it was for a GREAT cause! :)

Can’t wait for next year! Who wants to keep the baby?!! :)

Friday, October 5, 2012

11 Weeks!

For the record, I do not like this picture. I feel fat today.DSC_0119

How far along: 11 weeks!

Size of the baby: According to Baby Center, about 1 1/2 inches long and about the size of a fig.

Total weight gain/loss: According to my doc, I’ve gained 4 pounds…but I really have gained 5!!!!! Holy cow. I KNOW part of that weight is my…ahem girls. They are HEAVY as all get out. Not that they weren’t before…it’s worse.

Maternity clothes: No, but I’m ready for them!

Stretch marks: Old one.

Sleep: I’ve been sleeping well until last night. Not sure what was up with that.

Best moment this week: The best moment this week was SUPPOSED to be getting to see the baby yesterday. More on that later.

Movement: I wish!

Food cravings/aversions: I am starving ALL.THE.TIME. hence the 5 pounds I have gained. This week I craved pizza again. And COKE! I still can’t stand eggs.

Gender: Find out in April! :) or so I thought. Hubby reallllllllyyyyyyyyy wants to know. I think I might die. I realllllyyyyyyyyyyy want to wait. I told him since I have to be pregnant and then birth it then I get the final say. ;)

Labor signs: NO, thankfully.

Belly button in or out: In

What I am looking forward to: Jam packed weekend! Little Brother’s ball game tonight, Color run in the morning, my nephew spending the night tomorrow and my Sunday afternoon being FULL of birthday parties! :)

Weekly wisdom: Don’t make the pregnant lady mad.

Let me get y’all up to speed on my doctor’s appointment yesterday.  Grab the popcorn. My whole day was ruined. First of all, I have been seeing the same doctor for 12 years now. He has delivered all of our babies. I love him. When I started seeing him when I was 18 he had his own practice and a cozy office. Then just before I got pregnant with Reece he decided he wanted to teach and moved to our university’s medical center to do so. Yay for him, boo for me. It reminds me of what I think the health dept. would be like. There’s those types of people and the employees suck. They are always bickering which annoys me. Now the nurses are great, just the receptionist, etc. not so great.

For my first appointment with my first three children I have always seen my doctor and he has always done an ultrasound. This time when I made that first appointment I was told no different so I went expecting to see the baby. Well now your first appointment is a nurse appointment only. I was disappointed and felt bad for dragging Josh for no reason, but was not too upset. At the end of that appointment, I scheduled the ultrasound and my next doctor’s appointment for yesterday.

Hubby and I arrived at 9 for my appointment at 9:15. I signed in and took a seat. About 10 minutes later the receptionist called me up and informed me that the ultrasound tech was out sick. She was cold and didn’t care. I was pissed. At the very least they could have called me ahead of time to let me know so that I wouldn’t be there so early because my appt. to see my dr. was not until 9:45. PLUS I once again had my hubby with me for no reason. GRRRRRRR!

I have never been so mad. EVER. Then the longer we sat waiting in the waiting room the more mad and upset I got. I just am anxious about making sure everything is ok with the baby and that ummmmmmmm there’s not 14 babies in there! HAHA!

By the time I got back into a room I knew I was about to lose it. My doctor walked in the room and the tears came flowing! He felt so bad. And then he felt even worse when I told him it was my second disappointment! He got me rescheduled for next week. He feels all of his patients frustration, thankfully. Hopefully things will be better. The last thing I want to do is change doctors because the staff sucks!

If you made it to the end of this rant…you deserve a doughnut! OR some chocolate ice cream! ;)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Chicky Chicks!

I just realized it’s been a while since we had a chicken update! The good news is the rooster disappeared. The bad news is so did the cat! No more cats for us! Poor Griff.

We get no less than five eggs a day. If you want some bring me an egg carton and I will totally fill it up for you. Not joking. Eggs are filling up the refrigerator right now because this pregnant girl wants no part of them!

One of my silkie babies is sitting on eggs or an egg. She’s been sitting for about a week and I can’t wait to see if we hatch anything! Pretty sure one of the silkies is a rooster so it is possible! Probably will just give the chicks away!IMG_20121002_180715She is perfectly content in her little spot!

In other news, I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow! I can’t wait to see this little baby!!!! :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I think I mentioned a few weeks ago that we found out that one of our dogs has cancer. Boo.  Daisy is Reece’s baby. She carries her around everywhere and loves her to pieces! So do I but homegirl is attached! She had a knot come up on her neck, I took her to get it checked out and the vet thought it should come off. Which I did too because of where it was.

Sweet little baby snowseal!IMG_20120928_194414

When he removed the tumor the plan was for me to pick her up that afternoon. Well when I went to get her the vet told me that he wouldn’t charge me if I would rather just leave her overnight. YES! She was bleeding like crazy through the stitches and I was terrified that she would rip them out and then she really would be bleeding! The tumor was bigger than it appeared and the vet ended up having to open it back up and put some surgical gel in the wound so it would stop bleeding!

Needless to say, her first few days at home after the surgery were stressful! Her very most favorite thing to do in the world is rub on things, especially the couch, like a cat. Well she couldn’t do that because it would pull on the stitches and they would bleed!

Anyway, I took her today to get the stitches out and talk with the vet about what will happen next. The type of cancer she has can come back soon in the same place or come back years down the road. So, for now, we’re not worrying about her…she’s still her normal spunky self! And now she gets to sit on the couch! HAHA!

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Happiest 5k on the Planet!

The Color Run is coming to Tuscaloosa this Saturday!!! EEEKKKK!!

A few months ago my sister and I decided to do the race! Of course we also decided to make our hubbys run it too! And then after a little research, we decided that the kids should run it too!

In case you are lost, that’s me, Josh, Griffin, Peyton, Reece, Allison, Brad AND Noah! Our team name is the GFG Color Squad! :)

So our first 5k…pregnant, with the kids! Maybe I’ve lost my mind or maybe it will be SO much fun!

I can’t wait!