Thursday, March 1, 2012

Meet the Chicklings!

Reece and I ventured to a local feed store yesterday and bought baby chicks! Well Reece calls them chicklings! haha!
Meet Dolly, Daisy, Chippie, Reece and Rocky. She had them named before we even got out of the parking lot! I think it’s funny that she named one after herself and the dogs! I do like Rocky and Dolly..those are pretty cute chicken names! :) DSC_0417 Peyton has been the most interested in the chicks! I didn’t get any pictures of the kids with the chicks but I will try tonight!
This one on the left is my favorite! I think it’s because she is a lot smaller than the others!
This little gal has been SUPER intrigued by what’s in that box…DSC_0416 DSC_0418
Josh called me soon after I got to work and told me that one of the little black ones died. :( Hopefully we won’t lose anymore!

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