Monday, October 18, 2010

Critter Creek Pumpkin Patch!

I heart weekends! Especially now that Josh is off on the weekend! I’m trying not to get too attached to it because I know it’s short lived and will be gone soon. :(

On Saturday we went with my sister, Brad and Noah to the Critter Creek Farm. We had so much fun! We fed and got to pet the mini horses, alpaca, goats, sheep, reindeer, chickens, a turkey, a fawn and we even got to feed a couple calves bottles! They also have a few no pet animals…bears, a cougar, an arctic fox(stunk SO bad, worse than a skunk!), lynx, raccoons..I think that’s all.

After playing with all the animals we took a hayride down to the pumpkin patch where we all picked out our perfect pumpkins! Then we got temporary tattoos, played on the playground, played with the animals one more time and headed back home! Josh and I had just as much fun as the kids! I love places like that where the kids just run free! OH oh oh…Reece had to potty while we were there, so on the way to take her to the bathroom I asked the boys if they needed to go. Griffin said, “Oh, well I had to go a few minutes ago so I just went behind that tree over there!” bhahahahaha! “What?!?! Really?!?!” The owner was standing right beside us and just laughed hysterically! I wanted to crawl under a rock! Oh well, boys will be boys!

DSC_1384 DSC_1277 DSC_1278 DSC_1283 I can’t wait to move to the country so that we can have goats! That’s a random fact you didn’t know about me! I was actually feeding the one eared sheep here though…DSC_1292 You see that pipe? You could send cheerios down to the bears in it. Now, look at the end of the pipe…he’s blocking the hole so the other bear can’t get any!DSC_1294 The other bear was sad. Guess she wanted cheerios!DSC_1295 DSC_1296 DSC_1300 DSC_1302 DSC_1309 DSC_1312 DSC_1314 DSC_1323 DSC_1327 DSC_1329 DSC_1333 DSC_1336 DSC_1339 DSC_1343 Favorite recent pic of these two little birds!!!!DSC_1344 Caught him sucking his thumb!!!DSC_1345 DSC_1351 Noah loves his Uncle Josh!DSC_1356 Sweet boys!DSC_1367 DSC_1369 Reece said, “Mommy, you to big fo dis!”DSC_1374 This lynx….he had a MAJOR attitude! The owner told Josh that his name is BK…last part stands for Kitty, you figure out the rest! Freakity.DSC_1381 I heart them!DSC_1383 Do you think it’s evident enough that if you don’t wear your pumpkin garb to the pumpkin patch you MUST wear your gameday attire? Just wondering.

Roll Tide!



Cherry Berry said...

Love the family photo! I can't wait to take Grace on Monday

South Family said...

ROLL TIDE! :-) I love the pictures! The kiddos are precious!