Monday, April 20, 2015

Here comes the Bride!

My baby sister got hitched on Saturday!!! Eeekkss! It was a beautiful wedding and everything went according to plan, which was fabulous since there was an almost TWO year old in the wedding party! ;)

I wanted to share a few pictures, I’m sure there will be more once the photographer finishes! Reece was the flower girl, Brooks was the ring bearer, I was the matron of honor and Griffin and Peyton were escorts!


IMG_20150417_160636  RIGHT before walking down the isle!IMG_20150418_201417   A few from the photographer! 11174238_10153534125835166_6036829666467957809_o 11151041_10153534126250166_6605127448502646616_n Y’ALL!!!! I don’t have words. He was the sweetest little man. He walked down the isle holding my hand with a mouth full of gummy bears. I could eat his face!11156381_10153534126380166_7954884670294013956_n 11159950_10153534124030166_6683147457768741640_n 11169679_10153534123995166_5930660345861606508_o Little Bro officiated! He did fantastic!IMG_20150418_195755The ending of a long day! Another one in the books for me and Hubby! Yes, I changed shoes! :)20150418_191009_resized

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