Thursday, August 7, 2014

Back to School!

We started a brand spankin’ new school year today! I’m sad that my loves are growing SO fast, but I am glad it’s time to go back to school. Summer was grand, but I love a routine! They were ready to go back also! They probably wouldn’t admit it but they were.

Griffin starting middle school makes me want to sit in the corner of my office and cry ugly tears! So, retail therapy at lunch for sure! haha! He is riding the school bus for the first time ever. Only because it is pretty much impossible to drop Peyton and Reece off and get him to school on time because his school is so far from theirs. I don’t like it one bit.

I think Griff is going to love middle school  once he figures it all out!

I had a major mom fail this morning. I forgot to charge my camera battery so I had to take pictures with my phone! ;(

20140807_062631_resized20140807_062739_resized   20140807_062709_resized   Peyton started 5th grade today. I can’t believe this is his last year of elementary school!


  20140807_070231_resized He’s really good at this…20140807_070219_resized   And the PRISS started 1st grade!

20140807_070312_resized   20140807_070422_resized  20140807_070351_resizedI love being their Mama! They make my heart so happy! 

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