Friday, May 24, 2013

Brooks – 1 Month!

DSC_0248Sweet Baby Brooks you are one month old! Actually you were a month old on Wednesday! You are already growing SO fast! When we left the hospital you weighed 8 pounds even. When we went in for your two week check up you weighed 9 pounds and 1 ounce! So you gained over a pound in less than two weeks! I’m willing to bet you weigh at least 11 pounds right now(will have to weigh you tonight and put that on here! AND see how long you are!) You like to graze when you eat…and you have done fabulous with breastfeeding! We gave you formula along with breastfeeding until you were a week old and we both had the hang of things, but you haven’t had a drop of formula since then! YAY US! Your sleep pattern is typical newborn breastfeeder, up every 2-3 hours. But you seem to be moving towards longer stretches! You aren’t wearing newborn clothes anymore…already in the 3 month size mostly. You can wear some 0-3 month too. Diaper size is now 1…you were in newborn size for about 3 weeks!

You have sweet little fuzzy dark hair…a little on top and a lot in the back! And it looks like you got those sweet baby blue eyes just like Griffin, Peyton and Reece! That’s the ONLY thing you got from Mommy apparently! You look JUST LIKE Daddy! ;)DSC_0246

On your three week birthday you went back to work with Mommy! I’m so thankful that I can bring you with me! This is how we spend our days…20130522_095933 IMG_20130523_132723

You made your first visit to the gym this week! Apparently you approve! ;)IMG_20130520_123016

Mommy likes to call you Love Muffin…you also get called Little Buddy, Buddy, Little Fella…DSC_0247

You literally did NOT get put down for the first 10 days of your life. Mommy and Daddy soaked you up as much as possible and took turns just sitting around holding you! Your brothers and sister fight over you a lot. I love seeing each of them melt while they hold you!  IMG_20130515_194352   We love you SO SO much! I can’t even remember what it was like before we had you!

And, yes, I’m still obsessed with your oh so kissable lips!




Justin and Marcie said...

How adorable is little Brooks next to that gigantic elephant?!?!? Adorable! He is so precious!

April said...

Thank you! I think so too! ;)