Tuesday, December 18, 2012

2012 Christmas Card!

I am SUPER behind. The kiddies have been/are sick. All three. I’m pretty sure they’ve never been ALL sick at the same time. Sad.

And hard on a pregnant mama. I haven’t slept more than a few hours in a few days. And when I sleep it’s super light so that I can hear my babies if they need me. And so I can wake up when it’s time for the Motrin to wear off. That’s like an internal alarm clock for me. I just wake up right when it’s time. Weird.

Anyway, we had Reece’s birthday party this weekend and have been to see Santa and countless other things I need to blog about! It will happen! It may be after Christmas before I get it all on here but, hey, that’s life right now.

So, here’s our Christmas card this year-with our last name edited out to keep the crazies away.GrayRed_5x7b edit

I’m clearly obsessed with gray and red right now! ;)


Nikki said...

All your kids are just precious! Reece is gorgeous!! I love how you put "one of her boyfriends" lol & Happpy belated Birthday!

Amy said...

I love the grey and red!!!!! Looks great!

April said...

Haha! I couldn't help myself..she's always talking about this boyfriend and that boyfriend! She's so funny!
Thank you!