Tuesday, January 10, 2012

National Champions x 14!

Roll Tide! Number 14 is in the books!

Alabama 21 – LSU 0 zilch, nada, ZERO points.

I KNEW all day yesterday that we were going to win. Had no doubt…I wasn’t nervous at all. And that’s saying something because the first time we played LSU earlier in the season I was sick I was so nervous! However, a shut out?!?! WHAT?!?!?!? Total. Complete. Awesomeness!!!!!

And not only a shut out but LSU only crossed the 50 yard line ONCE at the VERY end of the game.

We played almost as clean as we could with only one 5 yard penalty in the last 2 minutes of the game! I feel sorry for whoever caused that one because Coach Saban was ticked!

Image via The Tuscaloosa News

So to all the naysayers and people who thought we shouldn’t go to the National Championship…now you have no reason to say, “well at least they held up a fight” or “they played dirty” or whatever other crap you can come up with because there is nothing! And I like it!

Image via The Tuscaloosa News

Our town was almost blown off the map by that nasty tornado last April and our football team and coaches rallied and brought this home for US! T-Town, never down.BCS CHAMPIONSHIP ALABAMA LSU

BCS CHAMPIONSHIP ALABAMA LSUImages via The Birmingham News

And for those of you not from around here, one of our football player’s(Carson Tinker) girlfriend was killed in the tornado. Before that she told Carson that this was their year and they would win in her hometown(New Orleans), on the night before her 24th birthday! Man was she ever right!


PS-I wonder how the Honey Badger feels this morning?

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