Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Griffin’s Aquarium Field Trip!

Slowly but surely I will catch up my friends!!

Last Thursday Josh and I went to the Georgia Aquarium with Griffin’s class! SO SO fun! We had to be at the school at 5:45am, which meant we had to drop Peyton and Reece off at Allison’s at 5:30am, now THAT’s sisterly love! ha! She took them to school and picked them up and handled things until we got back into town at 6pm!

Griffin had to ride the charter bus on the trip to Atlanta, but Josh and I drove my car. I’m all about helping but I would have lost my mind and would have been SICK. AS. A. DOG. on that bus. I get car sick SUPER easily.

Anyway, when we first arrived we figured out where the buses would be coming in. We waited and waited and waited! The dolphin show that we were scheduled to see started at 11:00am and it was 10 til 11 when the buses pulled up! Talk about a mad dash to get all those kids in there on time! My crew wanted to sit in the spash zone, of course! So we did! NO photography is allowed in the dolphin show and they are SUPER SUPER SUPER strict on that rule. The show was AMAZING!!!! If you visit the aquarium do not miss that show!! It was kind of like a play and the dolphins were acting out parts. They are SO smart. I always knew they were but this was impressive!

After the show we met at Centennial Park for lunch and then we spent an hour and a half just looking around the aquarium. The pictures pretty much speak for themselves! I will say though, we like the Chattanooga Aquarium better! I liked seeing the dolphins and whale sharks in Atlanta but if you have kids, Chattanooga is much more kid friendly! Not just the aquarium, the whole downtown area!

You wanna see my skinny hubby?!?!DSC_0197

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Freak my freak!DSC_0220

This little guy was SO cute! He was playing with Griff, putting his hands on Griff’s hands!

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