Monday, May 12, 2008

Kids say the darndest things!

I have NEVER been so embarrassed in my entire life!!!! Now, it's funny, but at the was NOT!

G-man started complaining about his ear hurting Saturday afternoon around 4 pm. I gave him some Tylenol and thought he would be ok. Not. So. Much. An hour later he was screaming and crying because it was hurting so bad. Off to Med-South we went. Upon arrival, the girl at the desk(which was crowded with people) asked how long it had been since he was seen at their office. Since it had been longer than 6 months she told me that she needed to get a copy of my driver's license and insurance card. G-man all of a sudden blurts out for the world to hear, "but, mommy, your license is suspended!" OH MY HEAVENS!!!!!!After turning 18 shades of red I managed to say that my husband is a cop and that had to be where he heard that and that no my LICENSE IS NOT SUSPENDED!!!! Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!

Back to the ear, the doc couln't find anything wrong with it and sent us home. About 10 pm he shot up a fever(lovely) and ran it ALL NIGHT. So, the next day, we were back to Med-South and this time they could tell that it was infected. Yuck. So now we are on a lovely $75 antibiotic that I think is probably too strong because I gave it to him a little while ago and he threw it up. Yummmm. And no, I didn't give it to him on an empty stomach.....

One thing after another........

Meanwhile......ALLISON IS GETTING MARRIED NEXT WEEK!!!! So, my speech needs to be finished....I should be working on it now actually......


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