Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Kindergarten Grad!

Last Thursday was Brooks' kindergarten graduation!! I can't believe this year has flown by so fast! He has grown and learned so much this year. He is reading! For me as a mom, nothing makes me more excited than when my kids start to read! I don't know why, but it feels like my heart melts every time. I think because we work so hard to get there and then finally do, it's rewarding! Anyway, he has just grown so much. He was awarded leader of the month at graduation. This was HUGE for him. In the fall he was constantly in trouble. After Christmas, we turned the corner and he's hardly been in trouble since! Bet you $5 he gets in trouble today since I said that! haha! So getting leader of the month was HUGE! He also received a reading award and was awarded "Most Likely to Invent Something Awesome" which is SO HIM! He's always coming up with things! haha!

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