Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Mia's Blood Clot

Last week on Mia's "blood day" when they were accessing her port she complained that it was still hurting after they were finished putting the needle in the port. Her port is completely under the skin and so she still has to be stuck but she doesn't normally complain too much. I'm sure it hurts like heck but she tries her best to be tough about it. It shouldn't really cause pain after it's accessed but she's also three and a tiiiiiiiny bit dramatic so it's kind of hard to judge. Soon after we were walking to the restroom and I noticed her holding her shoulder and arm funny. I could see pain in her eyes so I knew something wasn't right. We also could not get a blood pressure in that arm. I talked with her nurse and she called the doctor who ordered an ultrasound.

We went ahead and continued with the blood transfusion first and once we were done we went for the ultrasound. I wasn't particularly worried until the ultrasound person(WHAT is the correct mind is blank!)asked if we were leaving or staying.....of course I asked her what she could tell me...which was of course, nothing. But she said she wanted the radiologist to look at everything before we left. And she did and then they told us we were good to go. Well, ok. I should have gone back downstairs and asked her hematologist if everything was good but y'all I was so tired I didn't even think of that. It had been a LONG day of  little someone being hard to deal with. If ya know what I mean. haha! We had been there since 7:30am and it was about 4:00pm at this point.

So, we headed home.

 The next morning I had a doctor's appointment in Birmingham. Josh and I were leaving my office heading that way when my phone rang and it was Mia's doctor from Children's. When I answered she asked if they told me anything about the ultrasound and that Mia has a blood clot in her neck near the line for the port. WHAT? And then she said, "We need you to come today and get her prescriptions and for us to show you how to give shots."

I'm sorry, WHAT. NO.

We grabbed Mia from daycare and headed to my appointment and then straight to Children's Hospital to Mia's doctor. They filled us in on all the things and taught us how to give her the shot. She has to have them twice per day. Like I said, she's REAL tough but it sucks giving those to her! We also have to take her once a week to have her levels checked to be sure she's getting the correct dose. Which we are already having to go every three weeks so not that much more.

We need you all to be praying. We need this medication to work. We need the clot GONE. If it doesn't work the port has to come out. She NEEDS the port.

Meanwhile, we're giving her all the starbursts when she gets a shot!

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