Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Happy Birthday Brooks!

On Sunday Brooks turned FIVE! It's hard to believe that our little baby boy is already 5 and starting Kindergarten in the Fall!

We celebrated him all day, complete with a party at Upsurge! He had the best day!

 SO. The funny story of the day was that I accidentally bought "trick" candles. You know, the ones that keep relighting themselves. #momfail #oops

 His cake was complete with black olives on the "pizza" because black olive pizza is that baby's JAM! #minetoo

 After the party he wanted to go to a local Japanese restaurant. At first he wanted his favorite Mexican restaurant and then changed his mind because the Japanese restaurant gives you REAL chopsticks on your birthday! :) Off to eat Japanese we went. When we got there and were being seated he started yanking on my shirt saying, "MOMMY LOOK!!" Around the corner was his favorite waitress from the Mexican place!(they are each other's favorite, if I'm being honest, she even knows him by name) She had changed jobs. (Yes, we eat there too much, lol) It MADE his day that he got to see her! And, it made hers too!

After dinner we went home to play with all of his new toys! :)

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