Wednesday, December 14, 2016

China Days 13 & 14: US Consulate, Pearl River Cruise & Pearl Market

Yesterday was the day we've been waiting for! Our US Consulate appointment! Now we wait until this afternoon for Mia's visa to be issued and we can head home tomorrow! :) You aren't allowed to take anything except for a diaper, your wallet and passport to the US Consulate so we don't have any pictures!

Later in the day we went on a cruise down the Pearl River! This was something I was really looking forward to! The dinner was nothing but the view was spectacular! The pictures will not do it justice. We got back to our room pretty late and crashed.

Day 14(today) we were off to the Pearl Market to get Miss Priss some pearls. This is another thing I really wanted to do while we were here. This is something that she can keep forever. Of course Mommy and Reece needed some too! :)  Then we were off to another mall that had sports themed apparel. What an adventure that ended up being! haha! You take a wrong turn around here and you are WAY out of whack! haha! We found it and the big boys racked up! :)

Now, I'm off to pack while Josh is at our exit meeting! Yipee!!! I can't believe our time in China has come to an end! China will always hold a place in my heart but I'm ready to see my people!!! Also ready for sweet tea, TACO CASA!!!!, all the Mexican food and guac, my bed, my animals and the quiet of the country life! YES YES YES! See you all when we are back in the USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now for a picture overload! :)

This has been life while here. Well, this plus Starbucks!

 This was our boat!

Monday, December 12, 2016

China Day 12: Shamian Island

Day 12 was spent on Shamian Island! It's a beautiful place where you can have a much needed break from the hustle and bustle of the city! It's very peaceful and laid back. There's a local café there called Lucy's that everyone that I have ever talked to that's adopted from here says to try! It was awesome! Yummy food an yummy drinks! I ate a grilled cheese sandwich with French fries. I know that sounds boring to you back in the US but when you haven't really eaten anything but authentic Chinese food for almost two weeks it was SO GOOD! We stayed on the island and shopped for several hours then we came back to our hotel for a little rest!

After that we went shopping at an electronics mall. There are booths and booths of nothing but electronics. TV's just stacked up on the street for sale, I'm talking HUGE TV's. It was crazy. We also hit up the shoe mall which was booths and booths of shoes!

We're having lots of fun!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Day 11: Guangzhou Zoo!

Due to internet issues I have posted several posts today! Keep scrolling so you don't miss out! :)

Today we visited the Guangzhou Zoo!! I've been looking forward to this for a very long time! We were so excited to see the Pandas! Unfortunately, their exhibit was closed for renovations! :( Sad, but we still had fun! They had lots of animals that we have in the US and lots of animals I've never seen or heard of!

 They had a ton of pigs that look just like Tucker!! I miss my little piggy!