Tuesday, February 17, 2015


A few weeks ago our sweet Roxy passed away. When the vet called to tell me she didn’t make it all I could do was cry. To the point that the lady on the phone was like, “I am SO SO SO sorry. Just call us back. ”  20141024_171700_resized

It was bad.

She escaped from the goat yard the day before-she and Foxy have NEVER escaped-and one of our dogs attacked her. A stray that we had taken in. He had also killed several chickens. He is no longer an issue. That’s all I know about that.

Our entire household was sad. We haven’t found another goat yet but we are on the lookout for sure! Goats do not like to be alone so we need to find Foxy a friend SOON! 20141004_133615_resized

However, we DID get new baby chicks!IMG_20150209_162911

And a few days later….baby DUCKS!!!!! EEEKKKK!IMG_20150214_164302The ducks make us SMILE! They waddle around with all their little ducky cuteness! 

Welcome to the farm! :)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Christmas Card Pictures!

Oh my! I just realized that I never posted the pictures from our Christmas Card photo shoot!

For shame, for shame!

Peyton is all about looking snazzy for the girls… so the tie was right up his ally. DSC_0021Griffin thinks he is a grown up!DSC_0016 Bow tie..I DIE.DSC_0034 Sassy! If I could sum her up in one word, that’d be it!DSC_0185 This is one of my favorite’s ever in the history of EVER!DSC_0093 DSC_0052  DSC_0123 DSC_0128  He likes me…just a tad…DSC_0199DSC_0203 And because NONE of our family photo shoots are complete without a kissing shot…DSC_0111

Yes, that’s mistletoe! ;)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Peyton’s Paintball Party!

This could also be titled Peyton’s Second Annual Paintball Party! :)

We had Peyton’s party a few weekends ago at Paintball Is Good! The kids had a blast again this year! Even our four year old nephew played and had a blast! I don’t have a lot of pictures of them playing because it’s hard to get pictures while they are playing, it was COLD…very cold and we were also chasing around a one year old.


Some of our paintballers!DSC_1698Supervising…DSC_1690

Time for CAKE!DSC_1700 DSC_1707 And presents!!DSC_1716 DSC_1721 Yea, this is the best we could get with our birthday boy…he didn’t have time for us!DSC_1726 They played paintball for FOUR HOURS. FOUR HOURS…my toes were frozen! But, Peyton had the best time so that’s all that matters!