Friday, May 30, 2014

Gymnastics, Baseball, Gymnastics

Another baseball season is in the books for us! Peyton was the only one that played this year. Griffin is taking gymnastics and he’s dang good at it! And of course Reece is still taking gymnastics too!

This year Peyton moved up to the next age group and this group is where the kids do the pitching! It’s real, legit baseball from here on out! And it’s kinda scary because some of those kids throw FAST and don’t aim well so the kids get hit! OUCH! All in all we had a great season, but it keeps you running like crazy even with only one playing so I am glad it’s over! Peyton had fun with it, so that’s all that matters!TEAMPIC3 copyWe had a great team of boys…several cop kids on the team so that’s always fun for us! 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Peyton’s Awards Day!

Today we had Peyton’s awards day at school! We are so glad summer is HERE!

He got several awards including A/B Honor Roll for the YEAR!

My babies are so smart! BAM!

Anytime he saw I was trying to take a picture he would make a face or stick out his tongue…He will regret these one day! HA!DSC_0051 This is his teacher, Ms. Lyons! She also had Griff last year and made sure she had Peyton this year! She loves him, even though he was a turd sometimes! Yes I just said that. We love her!DSC_0052 Griffin ran into another friend that he wanted a picture with!DSC_0053 IMG_20140529_100050YAHOOO Summertime! Bring on the beach! I can not believe we have a 6th grader, a 5th grader and a 1st grader!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


We have had a super busy couple of months! Tomorrow is the last day of school and I am SO EXCITED!

Last weekend my little brother graduated from high school! It seems like yesterday that he was the ring bearer in our wedding and now here he is, all grown up. Sigh. I reminded Josh that we only have one more sibling to graduate high school and then next it will be our kids graduating! Holy Moly. I’m not ready!

DSC_0981DSC_0974 835_resized DSC_1000 DSC_0996He’s a cool daddy…and very metro! haha! OH MY GOODNESS…I just came across this from the beach last summer…look a wittle Brooks!!Yesterday we had Griffin’s 5th grade graduation! Yep, he’s a middle schooler now. Again, sigh.

DSC_0012 DSC_0015 DSC_0016 DSC_0017 DSC_0018  DSC_0020 DSC_0021 With Mrs. Stromburg, his principal. DSC_0022 IMG_20140527_111157DSC_0014 And then today was Reece’s Kindergarten graduation! AGAIN, SIGH…make it stop.DSC_0032 DSC_0034

This is one of Griffin’s friends, Caleb. His little brother is in Reece’s class and then they have a little baby sister. I seriously could stick all three in my pocket!DSC_0036 Reece and her BFF, Lilly.DSC_0037 DSC_0038 Reece with her teacher, Ms. Ivy.DSC_0039 DSC_0040 DSC_0041  Why, yes, I look tired today. NO SLEEP last night.DSC_0043   IMG_20140528_104505  My babies are all growing up SO FAST!!! I love my life, I’m so blessed!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Field Tripping!

Well, it happened again! Two kids with school field trips on the same day. BOO. Reece went to the zoo a few weeks ago and Griffin’s class went to Chattanooga! I went with Griffin, it was his last elementary field trip and I also had just gone with Reece on another small field trip. Her Gigi AND Papa went with her! They had a wet, rainy, cold miserable day but they made the most of it!

I was SO excited to spend the day with just Griffin! We really had a fun time together!

We started out at Ruby Falls! Such a fun place..if you’ve never been you should go!DSC_0706 DSC_0725 DSC_0737 DSC_0750 Then we went on a riverboat cruise for lunch!DSC_0751 Next we went to a civil war museum and then a park where you can see for MILES!DSC_0770 DSC_0777 DSC_0782 It was a very long but fun day!

Then, this week I went with Peyton’s class to Montgomery! Again, super excited to spend the day with just Peyton! We went to Old Alabama Town, where we learned how things were in the old days! Then we went on a riverboat cruise for lunch---why these field trips do these things is beyond me! Too many kids that can fall off the boat! Next, we went and toured our State Capital and then we ended at the Civil Rights Museum. Long, fun day! Poor Peyton had a baseball game as soon as we got back to town! He is still tired! Bless.IMG_20140513_061303Sweet friends. Emily is such a sweet girl, she has been so good to Reece since she started kindergarten. She was Reece’s first friend at school, she really just took her under her wing. I am so thankful for that. She even hung with her back in the fall at football games. Sweet kid!20140513_11051920140513_135444 20140513_135226TWO more weeks of school! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!  

Friday, May 9, 2014

Brooks’ First Birthday Party!

We celebrated Brooks a few weekends ago with a Dr. Seuss themed birthday bash!

B1 B2B4 B3  Yep, there’s a fish in there! :) I wish you could see the little note better! You should be able to click this picture and make it bigger!DSC_0021DSC_0923 DSC_0022 DSC_0023 DSC_0024 DSC_0025  DSC_0920DSC_0928 DSC_0927 zDSC_0931DSC_0026 Brooks LOVES LOVES LOVES him some Cason! Can’t wait until C gets a little bit bigger so they can play!DSC_0033 DSC_0047 DSC_0052 DSC_0069 DSC_0074 He LOVES for you to sing the birthday song to him! In fact, we’re still singing it because it makes his day!DSC_0095 DSC_0101 Mmmmm CAKE!DSC_0111 Those lashes!DSC_0123 DSC_0152 DSC_0160 What you don’t see here is that he wanted to grab my FACE and kiss me!DSC_161 DSC_162 DSC_0176    His poor baby cheeks were red as fire because he had a fever. Mean ear infections.DSC_0938 DSC_0952 DSC_0964  DSC_0218He had a fun day!DSC_0231

And just for my’s his invite.

I ordered his invite off of etsy. That’s pretty much my go-to for invitations right now!b 2