Monday, December 31, 2012


I guess it’s about time to blog about Christmas, huh? In my defense, we just finished up this weekend!
Reece made cupcakes to take to Papa and Gigi’s house! Cutest little chef EVER!20121223_134131

One of my favorite things to do is make cookies with the kids for Santa!  I know. Put some clothes on your kids. It was hot here that day. This is also the last time I’ve seen my house clean since Christmas!20121224_125309

We started off our Christmas this year on Christmas Eve at Josh’s grandparent’s house!

It doesn’t get any sweeter than this, really.DSC_0511

DSC_0514 Sweet little niece! DSC_0516 And then Santa visited! Reece’s gym mat has been a huge hit for everyone in the house. I even found hubby asleep on it one morning. I do not kid! HA! Her other favorite thing is her Leap Pad 2!DSC_0517 Peyton’s favorite thing is the punching bag. It’s great for taking out frustration! ;)DSC_0518 Griffin is loving his metal detector…it’s been too cold and rainy here this week for him to use it as much as he wants to!DSC_0519 Then we went to my sister’s house for Christmas brunch! And y’all aren’t going to believe this but i forgot my camera! GASP! So here’s the few pics from my phone!

20121225_112557 20121225_112602 20121225_112615  This is the Kinex roller coaster that Griff got from my sister, LOVES it!20121227_200557 Then we went to my parent’s house for Christmas dinner!DSC_0521 DSC_0523  Peyton is too cute for me not to include this one!DSC_0528 Reece was “going to sleep” in her new sleeping bag! HA!DSC_0533 Lilie found a spot away from all the action!DSC_0535 HAHAHAHA! That would be my little brother.DSC_0539 Heart him!DSC_0540 DSC_0541 “seriously, can this be over already?” HAHA!DSC_0542 And then finally this weekend we had Christmas with Josh’s parents!DSC_0547 Opening presents is SERIOUS business!DSC_0551 DSC_0559These two girls melt my heart. Sweet cousins. They are only 4 months apart and Lord help us when they become teenagers!DSC_0561 DSC_0562 And one last family Christmas picture as a family of FIVE! ;)DSC_0563 Except this is how it really is! DSC_0566 Here’s to 2013!!!!!! So excited to COMPLETE this picture! When I was putting up the Christmas tree this year I was sure to hang every ornament exactly where I wanted to because next year, they’ll all be up top! HAHA!

Friday, December 28, 2012

23 Weeks!

DSC_0545 How far along: 23 Weeks!

Size of the baby: According to Baby Center, it weighs a little over a pound(about the same as a mango) and is a little over 11 inches long.

Total weight gain/loss: I haven’t weighed this week but I have been STARVING all week! Guess I’m making up for not gaining any the last three weeks or so!

Maternity clothes: This is a touchy subject with me today. I am having the hardest time finding jeans. I have one pair of jeans that I wore pre-pregnancy that fit and I’m sick of wearing them all the time. I can’t find any maternity jeans that fit…they are all baggy on my butt and who wants a baggy butt? Not me. I got one of those bella band thingamajigs and I have it on today with a different pair of pre-preg jeans but it’s driving me nuts. So there.

Stretch marks: Old one.

Sleep: Pretty good!

Best moment this week: Christmas!! We also had a sad moment this week. My Mom & Step-Dad had to have their 13 year old Maltese put to sleep. Sad sad day. I was still living at home when they got her. She was their child!

Movement: All the time! And extra today because the baby doesn’t like the bella band either! :)

Food cravings/aversions: Nothing particular at this moment.

Gender: Find out in April.

Labor signs: NO, thankfully.

Belly button in or out: In

What I am looking forward to: One more Christmas gathering with Josh’s parents tomorrow!! AND my step-sister is at the doctor right this very minute finding out when my little niece will be here!!! EEEKKKK!!!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Visiting Santa-Past and Present

I love taking the kids to visit Jolly Ole Saint Nick! It’s something we’ve done every year since Griffin was born! Yes we teach our children the real meaning of Christmas. Yes our boys know that Santa is not real. Yes we let them believe in the magic of Santa. Josh and I both grew up this way and we turned out just fine. Well, I did. HAHA!

Kidding Lover!

One thing I noticed when I was gathering all of these is that Griffin has never cried when sitting on Santa’s lap!

We’ll start from the beginning!

Here’s Griffin in 2002! Sweet little guy! He was about 6 weeks old.

img055 Griffin in 2003. I was about 8 months pregnant with Peyton and Griffin was 14 months old!img059 Griffin and Peyton in 2004. Griff was 2 Pey was almost 1!img060

2005 Griffin 3, Peyton almost 2 and clearly over Santa.IMG_0156 g

2006, We love Santa a little more this year! Griffin 4 Peyton almost 3.img056 2007 Griffin 5 Peyton almost 4, days before Reece was born!img058   2008. Griffin 6, Peyton 5, Reece 1!img0572009 Griffin 7, Peyton 6, Reece 2 and I’d being crying over that scary Santa too!img061 2010 Griffin 8, Peyton 7, Reece 3 and mommy got drug in the pic!img0622011 Griffin 9(no longer believes, obviously), Peyton 8, Reece 4(this was actually on her birthday) and Noah almost 2!  img264Which brings us to this year! 2012. Griffin 10, Peyton 9(no longer believes), Reece 5 and Noah almost 3!img063

We hope you have a very Merry Christmas!!

Friday, December 21, 2012

22 Weeks!

DSC_0497 How far along: 22 Weeks!

Size of the baby: According to Baby Center, about the length of a spaghetti squash(11 inches) and about a pound!

Total weight gain/loss: Up 15 pounds. I haven’t gained any weight in about 3 weeks. I promise I am eating. I think it’s just because I’ve just been running around like crazy getting ready for Reece’s birthday, Christmas and taking care of sick babies!

Maternity clothes: Sometimes.

Stretch marks: Old one.

Sleep: Sleep has not been so great this week. With the kids being sick I haven’t slept well.

Best moment this week: Hubby finally felt the baby this week! It kicked him in his side!

Movement: All the time!

Food cravings/aversions: I’m back to wanting salads and veggies!

Gender: Find out in April.

Labor signs: NO, thankfully.

Belly button in or out: In

What I am looking forward to: Christmas! DUH!

I’m beginning to think this poor baby will not have a name until he/she is here! I really wanted to have both picked out so I can have some things monogrammed for the hospital! It’s REALLY hard this time.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Reece!

Happy Happy Birthday sweet baby girl!! I can NOT believe you are FIVE! How?! We love you SO much!

I mentioned earlier that we had Reece’s party on Sunday. It was at All Fired Up! She LOVES to draw, paint, etc. so this was perfect for her! I think all the kids had a great time! I am SO disappointed in myself though, Josh and I didn’t get one single picture with her at her party. :( Mommy fail. So mad at myself.

I did get a few pictures before the party of the kids though! This is about the time Peyton started getting sick, hence the eyes! :(DSC_0388 DSC_0391

Yea, I know! She’s super cute! ;)

No shame.DSC_0398 DSC_0402

Sweet little Keltie, she seriously melts me!DSC_0407

DSC_0496This is Lawson, one of Reece’s boyfriends! DSC_0409


LOVE my sweet boys!DSC_0414

Another one of my favorite girls! :)DSC_0491Cheesing Korbin!DSC_0417 Singing Happy Birthday!DSC_0422 DSC_0424



Present time! And, yes, that’s Paw Paw with a bow on his head. Reece enjoys bossing him! She has of her granddaddy’s wrapped!DSC_0436 I think we’re on the mend and feeling better at our house! Josh and I are really hoping and praying we don’t catch whatever the kids had!

Tonight, to celebrate her birthday, Reece wants to go out to eat and then drive around and look at Christmas lights! Sounds like a perfect plan to me!