Thursday, December 20, 2018

Happy Birthday Reece!

Today our Christmas baby is 11! We hosted several of her friends last weekend for a sleepover instead of having a big party this year! It was the birthday girl's choice! We ate, giggled, crafted, giggled, played hide and seek, giggled, sang Happy Birthday, giggled, stayed up WAYYY too late and yes, giggled some more! haha!

There were nine kids in our house at once. To most it would seem too much. For us, it felt right. What does that even mean?!?!

The kids had so much fun! When everyone was gone Reece said she had lots of fun but she was ready for some alone time! hahaha!

I believe she said we are eating Mexican tonight! yay!

Happy Birthday to you, my forever baby girl and best friend!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Oh hey

Here I am, with another catch up post. Since my last post we had a fun Halloween...
The day after Halloween I drug the hubs with me for his first trip to Christmas Village! He loved it! New tradition for us!

Reece's cheer squad ended up with a second place finish in competition. I'm so proud of my girl!

After Thanksgiving lunch we headed to the beach for the rest of the weekend. Griffin got to fly down with PawPaw. We literally drew names to see who got to fly! haha! He loved it, of course. He's my child that can't wait to sky dive with me when he is old enough!

I recently took a field trip with Reece to Calloway Gardens! It was a fun but LONG day!

On December 2nd we celebrated my sweet hub's birthday!! We had to get labs for Mia that day so we ate at The Cheesecake Factory.

Last week Griffin and Peyton had their Winter Band Concert! Seeing them in tuxes all grownish makes me melt!

We also had Mia's Christmas program last week! She cried the entire performance and then posed at the end like this! #thatkid

We saw Santa!!!! I feel bad for those who don't live in Tuscaloosa, because the real Santa is here!

Last week(no wonder we are all so tired) we also had Reece's Cheer Banquet.

Last thing for today! On Sunday we decorated our gingerbread houses. We do this every year. It's always either really fun or a complete disaster! haha! One of the boys was super busy on his xbox when I interrupted and told him it was time to decorate. #eyeroll He was asking whyyyyy he had to do this. I responded with, "Because I said so and it's tradition. We will do this until the day I die and then you will carry on the tradition or I will haunt you." Mia quietly piped in and said, "Mommy please don't die." #whoops #momfail