Thursday, July 27, 2017

Potty Trained!

I totally missed posting a 7 month update on Mia. Just never got around to it and now we're almost at the EIGHT month mark! But I DID want to drop in to say that this girl... potty trained! YAY YAY YAY!

I literally put her in panties on a Saturday a few weeks ago and SHE HAS NOT HAD ONE.SINGLE.ACCIDENT. Not one. Nada.

Boom Shakalaka.

That's what happens when you are the 5th kid. Plus, she's a genius. 

Friday, July 14, 2017

Life Lately

Sigh. This space has been neglected. Again. But the kids haven't so I call it a WIN! Here's a big ole dump of Life Lately for ya!

Our summer has consisted of beach, work, beach, work, beach, beach, beach, Six Flags, football practice, gymnastics, doctor's appointments, me being sick for TWO weeks, more beach, a few blood days for Mia and fireworks on the beach! haha!

People often ask why we go to the beach so much...which is weird to me because why not?? We love the beach and so do all five of our kids! I can clear my mind there like no other place on earth. We connect together as a family best when we travel anywhere. And, let's face it, sitting on the beach is one of the few places our kids are all happy at the same time! They get along and love being there. One of them LOVES to explore and collect things on the beach, one of them loves to play with his siblings in the water(he won't admit that!), one of them loves to get her tan on, one of them stays in the water the entire time we are out there and one of them loves the sand but begs Dadley to take her out in the water! hee hee!

Lap full of love! 
Mia's first Summer Snow!
Our Walmart Market FINALLY started offering grocery pick up! Friends, this is HUGE for me with five kids! Here we are at our pick up the very first day it was offered! :) 
 Josh's first Father's Day with Mia! However, I was SUPER sick. I started getting sick the Thursday before Father's Day and was sick for two weeks. So, hubs spent his father's day taking care of me and everything else on God's green earth.

Just another blood day!
 Peyton and I are super competitve and got into a little air hockey war! I won, of course! haha!

Love my lover love!

I'm telling you, there's no better place on earth to watch 4th of July fireworks than on the beach!

And to end the longest post of all time, a picture with my sweet boy! This was right before he crunched up all the chips in the chip basket onto the floor and I didn't even notice! HA!