Thursday, January 21, 2016

Happy Birthday Peyton!

Happy 12th Birthday Peyton!!

How he is already 12? Sheesh, time flies! Peyton is one awesome dude! He loves playing the trombone in the band, playing his x box, wrestling with Griffin, aggravating Reece and teaching Brooks fun stuff like fist bumping!

He is having his 3rd annual paintball party on Saturday! Seriously, the kid loves paintball! Hopefully we won't FREEZE!

Tonight, he wants to eat Japanese so that's just what we'll do! 

Happy Birthday Buddy!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

2015 Christmas Card

So, yea, I'm way behind on here AGAIN. Life is just busy. And, while I want to keep this blog updated for us to be able to look back on, I also have to, ya know, take care of the hubs and children and be a Property Queen! :) So, I'm doing the best I can!

We had a photo shoot back in November-I'll share pictures soon! I picked our Christmas Card picture from those!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!