Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Happy Birthday Peyton!!

Peyton is ELEVEN today! Someone HOLD ME! I can’t believe it. I hate that he’s growing up so fast BUT the older he gets, the funnier he gets! Oh my word that kid has a sense of humor!

Happy Happy Birthday Buddy! DSC_0164

DSC_0868 DSC_0631 DSC_0003 3 DSC_0018 DSC_1936 DSC_0484 DSC_0736 DSC_1142 DSC_0165 DSC_0251 DSC_2516 DSC_0468 PeytonPS-He’s making us eat Cici’s for dinner tonight. Again, hold me! :)

Monday, January 19, 2015

B’s First Haircut!

A few weeks ago we decided it was time for Brooks’ first hair cut! We really didn’t want to cut it because it was so cute and super curly but it was thin on top and it wasn’t going to thicken up until we cut it! So, a haircut it was!IMG_20150105_153839_resized

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Happy New Year!

Let’s face it, I will never get caught up around here!

We rang in the new year at one of our favorite places, the beach! We usually don’t take the kids when the weather is cold down there…well that ended this trip. We had the BEST time! For me and Josh it was WAY less stressful than summertime when we are actually on the beach. There’s a lot to do down there even when it’s cold!IMG_20141231_201827

The trip down was pretty stressful. Hubs needed to sleep because he worked the night before so I drove. The kids were TERRIBLE. I thought that we should just go back home. After we got to the beach and regrouped I decided I NEEDED a margarita STAT. When our waiter came to the table to get our drink order I told him what I wanted. He replied, “small or medium?” Me, “LARGE”. HAHA! The kids were so perfect at dinner an old couple came up to us afterwards and told us they watched us the whole time and that they were the most well behaved children and just so sweet! HAHA! Thankfully, I guess they were just tired of being in the car and they were good the rest of the trip. (MOST of the time!)

We wanted to do things that we normally don’t do in the summer. So, on Thursday we went and ate at Lambert’s Cafe. We have never taken the kids there and that was the ONLY reason I wanted to go. So the kids could catch the thrown rolls and crap. There’s ALWAYS a LONG wait in the summer. After eating there even the kids were like, “NEVER AGAIN!” HA! It was disgusting. But, hey, live and learn. After lunch we shopped ALL.DAY.

This little nugget is such a trooper! How cute is his roll tide hat? So very, I know! :)10884803_10153003250657938_748451714_n

The next day we went to the zoo! Y’all know how much I love animals. Well, at this zoo you can do animal encounters: play with the lemurs, play with BABY TIGERS!!, play with kangaroos or reptiles! The only one they had going right now was the lemurs, so that’s just what we did! They should have some tigers in the next few months and we will HAVE to play with them!IMG_20150102_104253

The lemurs were SO CUTE and FUN! They would just plop right into your lap and let you pet them. They are very curious little things and wanted Reece’s hairbow! We played with them about 20 minutes or so and it was VERY much worth every penny! IMG_20150102_123533 This one was giving me sugar on my cheek!IMG_20150102_123146They had tons of other animals too. It was a good day!10899759_10153003246752938_62648623_n

The next day we drove to Mobile and visited the USS Alabama. It was fun for the boys and I’m glad we went. It was pouring rain and that thing leaks…so not so much fun for Mama in her high heel boots.(when we left that morning I didn’t know that was where we were going.)


It was an excellent learning day! received_10153012056152938

After getting SOAKED I needed a Starbucks…and slowly but surely I am bringing him to the dark side! HAHAHA!IMG_20150103_150716

Other than lots of yummy food, an arcade trip and a build a bear, that about sums up our trip!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Christmas 2014

We had a holly jolly Christmas! And I’m just now finding a little time for a recap!

We started out the weekend before Christmas celebrating at Josh’s parent’s house!


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Next up was Christmas Eve at Maw Maw’s house!

IMG_20141224_165542DSC_1561And then it was Christmas morning! DSC_1579 DSC_1581 DSC_1582 DSC_1583 My family came over for lunch Christmas Day! DSC_1617DSC_1615My sister and I gave each other the EXACT same coffee cup! We don’t even give each other gifts and we gave each other the same thing. HOW does this happen?  IMG_20141229_112100IMG_20141226_121647 Self timer family pics before heading to my parents the weekend after Christmas!DSC_1629 DSC_1630Griffin and Peyton LOVE LOVE to kayak. Especially at the beach…well Gigi and Papa had a BIG surprise for them! Their very own kayaks!DSC_1646 B loves his circus peanuts! haha!DSC_1678Reece with her jewelry armoire! She’s doing her best to fill it up! DSC_1638  She’s getting married in 3 months!!! EEEKKKKSSSS!DSC_1673 Papa and Reece shenanigans!DSC_1687 Gigi and Papa with their grands!DSC_1679 And, me and my LOVE!DSC_1689 We had a wonderful Christmas!