Monday, December 30, 2013

Brooks – 8 Months!

Baby Brooks, you are 8 months old! I can’t believe how fast this first year is flying by! Here’s what you’re up to!

This month you went to your first movie-Frozen! You loved it! You slept for part of the movie and just sat in my lap for the other part and watched quietly! I took you, Sissy, Griff, Pey Pey & Noah by myself. Because I’m Superwoman!DSC_0128

You are still in a size 3 diaper. You are in 9-12 month clothes.DSC_0125

Figured out how to eat the sticker this month…DSC_0158 People are still calling you “she” and “girl”…Your eyelashes keep getting longer!DSC_0168

Bath time is one of your favorite parts of the day! You wait until time for me to wash your hair and you latch on to my arm like a spider monkey! You think this is the funniest thing ever!

Your breastfeeding/eating schedule is still exactly like last month!DSC_0139

Still no teeth, mommy is thankful for THAT! ;)

Sitting up like a pro!DSC_0197

You became a big cousin to Cason this month. You LOVE him! It’s fun to watch!

You are seriously the best baby. I drag you everywhere and you are just happy where ever!

Just to name a few…This month you’ve been to a closing…


You stayed with me at the hospital all day when Cason was born…IMG_20131205_085034 

Went with me to the dermatologist…


And, of course, we spend a lot of time at the office!

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You celebrated your very first Thanksgiving AND Christmas this month!(post coming soon!) It was a lot of fun!DSC_0209 And this one? This one’s just for ME! Eyelashes, nose, lips, drool, neck sugar…YES.DSC_0207



Friday, December 20, 2013

Happy Birthday Reece!

Today our sweet girl is SIX years old! How that’s possible I don’t know! She’s so sweet with Brooks and rough with Griffin and Peyton(because she has to be!) I am so thankful for her, us girls have to stick together! Even though she’s sometimes a Daddy’s girl!

Since her birthday is so close to Christmas we had her party last weekend at CHOM! She had a blast playing with old and new friends!DSC_0003DSC_0019 DSC_0044 DSC_0042 DSC_0054 Reece LOVES Pinkalicious!DSC_0057 DSC_0060 DSC_0068 Hello Kitty Snuggie! YES!DSC_0077 Happy Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!! We love you!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Visiting Santa

We took the kids last night to visit Santa! Griffin and Peyton could care less, Reece is at the age where she LOVES him and Brooks didn’t know what to think! I thought he would cry but he just smiled! My four sweet little angels!image

Monday, December 9, 2013

Gingerbread Houses!

Each year for as long as I can remember I’ve done gingerbread houses with the kids! Over the weekend we made this year’s! I went with the village this time so that everyone could have their own. SCORE! Huge hit!

I mean, really? How cute is he? DSC_0975DSC_0994 DSC_0997 DSC_1000

What? You mean you don’t have car parts in boxes in your kitchen?DSC_0003

This is how it really is at our house…all the time!DSC_0007 DSC_0009 DSC_0011

Friday, December 6, 2013

Meet Cason!

My sweet little nephew, Cason Reed, made his grand entrance yesterday! He is SO sweet! And SO tiny! He is the smallest out of all of our babies, so far!(heehee, yes I did) We love him SO much!IMG_20131205_162141 IMG_20131206_090252

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Thanksgiving may very well be my favorite holiday! It’s definitely right up there with Christmas! I love spending time with family and you always have a few days to recover before returning to work!


Yes, the tree was up before Thanksgiving this year! I ALWAYS wait until the weekend after Thanksgiving to put it up but I just could not wait this year!

I can’t do this post without telling this funny story…My Dad has a couple of pet turkeys. They are very tame and friendly. They are attracted to anything red. Wellll Griffin and Peyton had on red shirts when we were at their house. After lunch they went outside to play. We were sitting by a window when like two flashes of lightening Griffin and Peyton went running across the yard…the turkeys were chasing them, one flying, one running! Griffin and Peyton were terrified and white as sheets! So funny! ha!

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Now it’s time for Christmas cheer! Actually, first it’s time for newborn snuggles because my little nephew will be here TOMORROW!!!!! Eeekkkkk!!!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Happy Birthday Josh!

Happy Happy Birthday to my sweet, sweet hubby!  You are one amazing man, Joshua Brett!!DSC_5569I love you more than ANYTHING and I can’t wait to grow old with you!