Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Roll Tide!

Reece attended her first Bama game this past weekend! She had a blast! It was cold and rainy and she still had fun! Josh took her and the boys, I stayed home with B! Between the weather and breastfeeding it was best for us to stay home! It was a pretty low-key game for our Tide so it was the perfect first game for her! IMG_20131126_093920 ROLL TIDE and bring on the Iron Bowl!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Brooks – 7 Months!

Brooks, you are 7 MONTHS OLD! Sheesh! Here’s what you’re up to these days!

Can we say ham?!DSC_0895 - Being cute, always!DSC_0885 - This age is such a joy! You have the sweetest little personality, everyone in the house is still fighting  over you. I thought by now this wouldn’t be an issue but you are just so lovable!DSC_0887

- You are pretty much sitting up!DSC_0888DSC_0892 - Still no teeth!

- Still breastfeeding like a champ! Yay! PawPaw started making your baby food this month, which is turning out great! You still eat the same foods as last month plus chicken! You also like pears now because red skin pears are a little sweeter so we use that to make your food! You nurse when you wake up, then eat rice cereal for breakfast, then you nurse mid-morning, you have two jars of food at lunch, nurse twice in the afternoon, have two jars at dinner, then pumped milk for bedtime which is Daddy time! If you wake in the night you have pumped milk or nurse.

- Still in size 3 diapers, Pampers Swaddlers are our FAV. They work best, hands down.

- 6-9 and 9 month clothes, with some 9-12 month mixed in.

- Still sporting those baby blue eyes, you’re welcome! haha!DSC_0909

- You finally have enough hair for a baby mohawk! YES! Griffin and Peyton are jealous, just as we knew they would be!

- You started sucking your TOES this month! WHAT?

- Mommy and Sissy call you “B”!

- This month you will become BIG COUSIN to Cason!! YAYYYYY!!!!!! You two will be BFF!IMG_20131121_155147 DSC_0911 DSC_0900 DSC_0926

We love you so much sweet boy!!!!


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thanksgiving at School

For the past two days Brooks and I have had the pleasure of eating yummy lunchroom lunch with Griffin, Peyton and Reece! ;) I really love our school, it’s very small and feels like family. Well it’s small compared to the school we were at before we moved!

On Tuesday we ate with Reece! I wish you could see her cute turkey also!IMG_20131119_134211 On Wednesday we ate with Griffin and Peyton!IMG_20131120_134142 Peyton is at the age where he really doesn’t want me around him when he’s at school(which is why no pic with him!). Boo. But Reece and Griffin LOVE it so I can’t be too sad about it.

I LOVE my turkeys SO SO much and I am so thankful for them!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Yea, just now getting to this. Oops.

Halloween was a rainy one this year! We still had fun! We have started going to my sister’s neighborhood to trick or treat each year since we don’t live in a neighborhood anymore. It’s a win-win because all the cousins get to trick or treat together! We also continued our tradition of stopping by Big Mama’s house! She looks forward to that every year! 

As soon as Reece found out that my little nephew, Noah, was going to be Jake from Jake and the Neverland Pirates, she wanted to be Izzy! Then I just decided it would be too cute if Brooks was Scully! Peyton was a knight and Griffin just wore a skin suit. Those things weird me out!DSC_0876 DSC_0874B’s first Halloween! DSC_0873 20131031_193452 Fun times!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Family Pictures

A few weeks ago we met with Julie Stone and took family pictures. In all honesty, this day really stressed my stress. It was a beautiful Sunday…but by the time I got SIX people dressed and ready for pictures it had started to rain. Hindsight, we should have rescheduled I guess…because it sprinkled on us most of the time and by the time we were to the end of our shoot it was pouring! The older boys were not cooperating AT ALL so that just added to the stress! But, Julie still did a fabulous job and hopefully we didn’t drive her too cray cray! haha!

Here’s a few of my favorite’s!

JSP_5947-00 JSP_5968-10 Twins!JSP_5982-00 Beautiful girl!JSP_6022-00Mom’s forcing me to take pictures smile… JSP_6045-00…haha! JSP_6052-00 Yes, she posed herself in every picture! She KILLS me!JSP_6065-00 I still can’t believe we have THREE boys! LOVE!JSP_6141-00 JSP_6160-00 And this? Oh my gah, THIS…JSP_6172-00 And this too…

JSP_6261-00His rolls, his cheeks..on his face and booty, his little feet…

PS-he tee-teed on the concrete when we took this! haha! And, no, he’s not standing on his own yet.

I love family photo shoots! Here’s to the next one being WAY less stress on Mommy! ;)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Shop ‘til You Drop!

This past weekend we decided to take the kids up to Birmingham to stay at the Wynfrey Hotel and SHOP! I grew up doing this about once a year with my mom and sister and it’s SO MUCH FUN. For those of you who don’t live around here, the Wynfrey is adjacent to a huge galleria, so you can shop literally til you drop! haha!

The new Von Maur store opened while we were there & I’m in LOVE! They have the cutest kids clothes, including a HUGE selection of Mud Pie! 

Love my boys! Even though one was too busy to take a pic for me!IMG_20131102_090724IMG_20131101_194241

We had a fun time but I can see how this trip will turn into a girls only trip in the future! Boys just can’t HANG! ;)