Friday, April 18, 2008

Snippets from this week...

Man! This week flew by! We started off Monday with Master P's ball was SO COLD!! But the team did a great job. They also had a game Thursday night...Master P hit his first Homerun!! YAY! He was so proud of himself and so cute!

G-man's class went to see Seusical on Thursday. I asked him if he had fun and he replied,"Yes ma'am I really liked the Cat in the Hat show, but I am scared of Horton. Horton scares me to death!"

Baby girl is about to roll over. :( I can't believe she is almost 4 months old. I wish we could make time stand still for a little while and enjoy our children being the age they are right now!

That's all for now!


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

1st Baseball Game

Orange snow cone..after the game!

Here are a couple of pics from Master P's first game. I only took a few because it was cold, wet and rainy. He did so good! It was lots of fun to watch all of the little ones running the wrong way, not wanting to bat and fighting over the ball!

Friday, April 4, 2008

News Flash!

Wow, what a week. I don't have much time, so here's a quick update! The boys are starting back to Little Friends School on Monday. I believe that everything happens for a reason so that is that.

G-man has decided that he does not want to play baseball. So, we are not about to make him play if he doesn't want to. Last night at practice he turned his back to the field, sat down, put his glove on his head and started playing in the dirt. Master P is still going to play, he seems to like it.

We have also received news that Josh may be back in a patrol car soon! So, keep your fingers, toes and everything else crossed on that one!
