Sunday, December 11, 2016

Day 10: Medical Appointment

We were up bright and early on this day after arriving late the night before because we had an early appointment for Mia's medical check up. All children who are adopted have to have this before the US will issue a visa for them!

The medical exams were broken up into four stations; ENT, Nurse(for height, weight and temperature check), general exam and TB test. We flew through each one quickly and saved the TB test for last because they do not allow parents in the room. Mia weighed in at 28 pounds, little chunky chunk! She doesn't like any of us to be out of her sight, including the kids so I knew the TB test would be terrible. She cried and I cried. She was only gone for a couple of minutes and it didn't take long to calm her down. All in all it wasn't that bad. I expected worse!

I don't think I have mentioned on here but one of her special needs is Thalassemia. She has to have blood transfusions monthly for it. I was really worried about this because if she hadn't had one before we got her then she wouldn't have felt good at all and would have needed blood ASAP. The day we got her we found out she had one the day before! Definitely an answered prayer! :)

Our sweet girl has seen the inside of hospitals more than you can imagine and has more in her future! Please add her to your prayers if you haven't already! :) I know she can be healed, the Lord can do it!

We spent the rest of the day hanging around the hotel and we ordered Papa Johns Pizza! Brooks has been asking for a black olive pizza ever since we arrived in China and we FINALLY we able to get that baby one! It was heavenly!

 Her visa picture! haha! She was asleep when we arrived to take it and we had just enough time to wake her and plop her in the chair!

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