Saturday, December 3, 2016

China Day 2: The Great Wall

First of all, this day was SUPER special because my SUPER special someone celebrated his 35th birthday! I'm sure he never imagined that he would spend a birthday in China! It will sure be one he will never forget! Happy Birthday Love!

Today we explored the Great Wall of China! It was amazing, just as you would think. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves! Griffin and Peyton went with Paw Paw to the very top! I wanted to but there's no way Brooks could have done that.  Let me tell you, those steps are NO JOKE. Some of them were so steep I had to climb. Next, we went to the jade market where we purchased a jade necklace for Mia to have when she's older. It's Chinese tradition to give your new baby a jade necklace when they are born so we will do the same for her! Then we went for a rickshaw ride through Hutong Lane! FUN but sad at the same time to see how some have to live. Now it's nap time for Brooks. Tonight we plan to go to the supermarket and then Pedestrian Street to explore different food!! You know, scorpions, spiders, etc.! Word on the street is the scorpions are still alive and they skewer them alive and cook them in front of you! When in China...

A few things of note about Beijing:
1. The city is beautiful! It's very spread out and has 16 different districts. It reminds me of New York city and New Orleans at the same time!
2. Over 22 million people call this city home! There are people EVERYWHERE!
3. The smog is not as bad as I expected. We have seen the sun every day that we have been here!
4. Yes, there really are squatty potties!

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