Wednesday, December 7, 2016

China Day 6: Officially Ours!

We spent about half the day at different government offices completing the China side of Mia's adoption! She's no longer an orphan! I was concerned about having Mia right back in the same office we were in the day before when we got her but she did fine! She seems to be attaching really well and I am so thankful for that!

We spent a good part of the rest of the day at one of the other malls. I needed some short sleeved shirts because it's really hot here. We were in a store and I needed to try some on. Mia was in the stroller and happy as can be so I ran into the fitting room. I was gone about 30 seconds when I heard her start screaming...that's sad, but it's a GREAT sign of attachment!

 Tired, exhausted, blessed.

 The city of Nanning is so beautiful!!!!

Griffin and Peyton having some fun!

 We ended the day with her very first real bath! She LOVED it!
Next up, her finding spot and orphanage!

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