Monday, December 12, 2016

China Day 12: Shamian Island

Day 12 was spent on Shamian Island! It's a beautiful place where you can have a much needed break from the hustle and bustle of the city! It's very peaceful and laid back. There's a local café there called Lucy's that everyone that I have ever talked to that's adopted from here says to try! It was awesome! Yummy food an yummy drinks! I ate a grilled cheese sandwich with French fries. I know that sounds boring to you back in the US but when you haven't really eaten anything but authentic Chinese food for almost two weeks it was SO GOOD! We stayed on the island and shopped for several hours then we came back to our hotel for a little rest!

After that we went shopping at an electronics mall. There are booths and booths of nothing but electronics. TV's just stacked up on the street for sale, I'm talking HUGE TV's. It was crazy. We also hit up the shoe mall which was booths and booths of shoes!

We're having lots of fun!

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