Tuesday, March 27, 2018

All the Things

Today is blood day so I'm going to attempt a "catch up" around here!

Miss Priss is doing well for the most part! I feel like(I know this is weird) we have turned a corner lately. Yep, almost 16 months into this adoption thing and it's good now. YES, it was good the whole first year. But OH MY it was HARD. I feel the need to share this because I feel like not enough people do. And after talking with lots of my adoption friends we pretty much all feel this way.

Here's the thing. When you bring a cute little Chinese baby into your world everybody loves said baby so much that they want to give her anything and everything. Never tell her no. They all feel sorry for her/him. Which is understandable. But, here's the thing, while I DO feel sorry for Mia I'm also her Mama. I don't want her growing up feeling sorry for herself and sitting around waiting for others to do things for her because she's different. Yes, it sucks that she has to get blood every three weeks and be poked and prodded on. But, she's tough because of it and I want her to always be that way! I feel like I spent the first year wading through water of all the things for her and us. Let's face it, she(and Reece) just look at Josh and he's a puddle. BUT, I'm that way with Brooks(and Griffin and Peyton) so I understand. It's just different with an adopted child because there's SO MUCH. But at the same time, it's the same because she's ours the same as the others.

SEE WHAT I MEAN?! ALL the things. So complicated.

I feel like I spent last year more stressed than ever. I felt like it was all on me. I drank too much wine(where's that monkey emoji with his hands on his eyes? lol). And I gained TEN pounds. (Monkey again!! lol) But, lately I feel like things are finally clicking along! She gets us and we get her. Completely.

She tells me she loves me with all her heark(heart) and that's how I know that it was all worth it.

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