Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Baby Baller!

Get ready friends! Brooks is playing baseball! This is our little slugger's first year to play. We waited until he was a little older than we did with Griffin and Peyton. Just because we KNOW how demanding baseball is around here. It's insane, really. I HATE what it has come to. Many parents acting like 2 year olds, everyone putting ALL THE STRESS on their kids, the kids never do good enough. I HATE that it can't just be fun. But, here we are!

Unfortunately, because Brooks has a birthday before May 1st he has to play up. Meaning, most of the kids on his team turn 7 this summer. He won't even be 5 until April 22. There's those politics again. *eyeroll

So, he's the baby on the team. It's ok, he can learn a lot from those older dudes. If his attention span will hold out! haha!

He's the cutest little dude!

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