Thursday, December 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Reece!

Happy Happy Birthday sweet baby girl!! I can NOT believe you are FIVE! How?! We love you SO much!

I mentioned earlier that we had Reece’s party on Sunday. It was at All Fired Up! She LOVES to draw, paint, etc. so this was perfect for her! I think all the kids had a great time! I am SO disappointed in myself though, Josh and I didn’t get one single picture with her at her party. :( Mommy fail. So mad at myself.

I did get a few pictures before the party of the kids though! This is about the time Peyton started getting sick, hence the eyes! :(DSC_0388 DSC_0391

Yea, I know! She’s super cute! ;)

No shame.DSC_0398 DSC_0402

Sweet little Keltie, she seriously melts me!DSC_0407

DSC_0496This is Lawson, one of Reece’s boyfriends! DSC_0409


LOVE my sweet boys!DSC_0414

Another one of my favorite girls! :)DSC_0491Cheesing Korbin!DSC_0417 Singing Happy Birthday!DSC_0422 DSC_0424



Present time! And, yes, that’s Paw Paw with a bow on his head. Reece enjoys bossing him! She has of her granddaddy’s wrapped!DSC_0436 I think we’re on the mend and feeling better at our house! Josh and I are really hoping and praying we don’t catch whatever the kids had!

Tonight, to celebrate her birthday, Reece wants to go out to eat and then drive around and look at Christmas lights! Sounds like a perfect plan to me!


Justin and Marcie said...

She is beautiful!!! I went to that exact same place for my niece's birthday party. She turned 4 this past summer. I was particularly loving those chairs that were meant to be thrones! Such a cute idea! Happy birthday precious!

Cady said...

She is so cute! Happy Birthday, Reese!

April said...

Thanks ladies!