Friday, December 28, 2012

23 Weeks!

DSC_0545 How far along: 23 Weeks!

Size of the baby: According to Baby Center, it weighs a little over a pound(about the same as a mango) and is a little over 11 inches long.

Total weight gain/loss: I haven’t weighed this week but I have been STARVING all week! Guess I’m making up for not gaining any the last three weeks or so!

Maternity clothes: This is a touchy subject with me today. I am having the hardest time finding jeans. I have one pair of jeans that I wore pre-pregnancy that fit and I’m sick of wearing them all the time. I can’t find any maternity jeans that fit…they are all baggy on my butt and who wants a baggy butt? Not me. I got one of those bella band thingamajigs and I have it on today with a different pair of pre-preg jeans but it’s driving me nuts. So there.

Stretch marks: Old one.

Sleep: Pretty good!

Best moment this week: Christmas!! We also had a sad moment this week. My Mom & Step-Dad had to have their 13 year old Maltese put to sleep. Sad sad day. I was still living at home when they got her. She was their child!

Movement: All the time! And extra today because the baby doesn’t like the bella band either! :)

Food cravings/aversions: Nothing particular at this moment.

Gender: Find out in April.

Labor signs: NO, thankfully.

Belly button in or out: In

What I am looking forward to: One more Christmas gathering with Josh’s parents tomorrow!! AND my step-sister is at the doctor right this very minute finding out when my little niece will be here!!! EEEKKKK!!!!!


Unknown said...

You look great! Sounds like it was a wonderful Christmas!

Justin and Marcie said...

You're looking GREAT!! I hated the bella bands too. They were so uncomfortable! So sorry about the Maltese. Loss of a dog can be so hard!