Sunday, May 1, 2011

Torn Together

We’re definitely not torn apart here in Tuscaloosa!!! Everyone has come together! The outpouring of love and support right now in this city is unbelievable. Seriously “Thank You” will never be enough! It makes my heart warm to see this but at the same time my heart aches for the families affected by this.

We WILL get through this.

Hubby is obviously having to work a lot right now. And that’s fine. But it leaves me not being able to volunteer as much as I would like to. Friday around 10:30 I found out about someone who needed to get back to Gulf Shores that was here before the storm. Poor guy had not been to Tuscaloosa since 1993 and this is what went on while he was here. So I talked it over with the hubs and had myself and kids packed and in the car within an hour! My parents still didn’t have power and I knew my brother and sister were getting a little stir crazy so they came too! We packed out the Yukon! :) We came home late last night. Our hearts were never far from T-town and I felt a guilty for not being home, but I knew this man needed to get home and we loved the mental break!

I still have those pictures to post. I want to post them. But I feel guilty. If that was my house I don’t think I would mind…but you just never know how you will feel about that until it’s you with everything you own scattered everywhere.

We have 26 rental houses that are damaged or completely gone. That’s the count right now anyway. We finally can go back to work tomorrow because we have power now. First thing on the agenda is to find our tenants. Some have called so I know they are ok, but we haven’t heard from all of them.

Please continue to pray for us as we continue on this journey.

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