Friday, May 13, 2011


Life right now for us is crazy busy! My job has been busy for the obvious reasons and so has Josh’s. He’s done working storm overtime though so that’s good! We missed him!

I don’t remember if I blogged about it or not but we did finally close on our house!!! :) So we’re busy getting things going with the upgrades! SUPER excited!! I have been really bad about getting things for the house…decorating wise, like bedding. The only room right now that I’m done with is Reece’s! Her room is going to be done in owls! It’s oh SO cute! I think we’re going to paint her room yellow! The boys and I can’t agree on bedding for their rooms…I’m about to use the “mom trump” and just get what I want.

While I was at work on Wednesday I found out that someone wanted to look at our house on Friday morning! We weren’t planning to put our house on the market until we moved out so we had to get it “show ready” in less than two days! That was NOT easy my friends! And it ended up being a big fat waste of time because the people failed to tell us that they can’t move until December!

Anyway, just wanted y’all to know that we haven’t fallen off the face of the earth!

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