Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Twitter my tweet

Do you tweet? Apparently I do! I signed up so I could get MckMama's tweets and keep up with Stellan and people started following me. Then, I thought, "This must be fun." So, if you know me in real life you should be able to find me on there by my first and last name. If you don't, you may remember our last name from the old blog. I'm too scared to post it again! I'm still figuring out how twitter works so bare with me!

And, speaking of scared, while we were out of town there was some action around our hood! Actually it was out of our neighborhood, down the street and around the corner....but too close for comfort! Two men beat a man to death and then drove him a mile or so to the closest McDonald's, put the naked, dead man in the driver's seat of a car and left him there. Apparently no one noticed for several days, until the smell came. G-R-O-S-S!!!!!!!! He had been there for three days! Can you imagine finding THAT?

Monday, March 30, 2009

Just Beachy!

~~Warning...pic heavy post!~~

This weekend was tons of fun! We went down to the beach Thursday night and stayed until yesterday afternoon. We were taking down furniture with us that Allison and I had bought here in town for the house and hoping the weather would be beautiful for our first family beach trip of FIVE! We left around 7 ish.....at 7:23 Peyton yells from the back, "Mom and Dad, are we there yet?" We laughed hysterically! It started raining about half way there....not just sprinkling...heavy, heavy rain...and it rained the rest of the way down. It stormed all night and you got it, all day Friday! We managed to get the furniture in during a break in the rain and Josh spent a few hours putting things together. Baby girl fell off of the chaise lounge and really freaked my freak. Bumps and bruises rarely bother me at this point, but that one looked funny. Of course, she was fine. We went to get a closer look at the beach and there was a red flag and a purple flag. We all know what red means, but purple? Dangerous marine life present. Oh crap! We think it was just because of all the dead jelly fish on the beach..but they were strange looking and there were TONS of them! Saturday was gorgeous! We played on the beach most of the day. Baby girl LOVES the beach! Not that we were worried about that as much as we love it! She found a new snack that she loves to eat....sand! We could not get her to stop eating it! The boys had tons of fun in the water and building a sand castle with Daddy. Sunday was gorgeous! I don't think it has ever been that hard for me to leave! I had my favorite people, it was a gorgeous sunny day, it was the beach...man, I'm a lucky girl!

I love this one!

The first time her feet hit the sand...

Sometimes I convince myself that she looks a little bit like me and then I see this....

One of the 5 million

Feeding the vulchers....

Fun pic of my tat that the hubby took. Proof positve that it needs to be touched up...cringe!

We seem to have a lot like these!!

Please continue to pray for baby Stellan.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


All of you know that I am addicted to my sweet hubby and my babies. But what you may not know is that I am addicted to TV. It's a weakness. I can't live without my DVR. Seriously what did I do before we got that thing? Let me just fill you in on my shows that I watch! All of these aren't on the same time of year so, don't think I'm too crazy! And I know you are wondering how I have time for TV with three kids...like I said DVR!!!!

The Young and The Restless--all time number 1 fav!

Prison Break--waiting on April 17th!!!

Desperate Housewives

Grey's Anatomy

Private Practice

Ellen---She makes me laugh so hard I cry!

American Idol

The Bachelor--even though I AM tired of this one

Survivor---not watching this season though, I wanted to but then I missed last week and this week because it came on Wed. night instead of Thurs. and I forgot!

Dancing with the Stars

The Real Housewives of Orange County

The Real Housewives of New York

The Girls Next Door

Any show that Ron White is on

I am sure I left at least one out!

On another note, we're headed to the beach this afternoon...but this time we are taking our babies! Yay! The weather has been pretty yucky around here lately but maybe it will be pretty for us at the beach! But after all a rainy day at the beach is better than a sunny day at home!(except when you have three kids to entertain! ha)


Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Update~ He just called. Everything is peachy!

Josh is in a training class right now so that he can start carrying a taser gun. He will have to be tased at some point during the class. I am sitting here at work worrying myself sick about it. I know I am a worry wart, but my husband is getting shocked! All the things that could happen are racing through my mind. I asked him if they would have an ambulance on stand by and he told me he didn't know. Ughh. What if? What if? What if?

He is supposed to call me AS SOON as he is done. So I will just sit here and wait for my cell phone to ring.......

I'll update when he calls.



Please keep praying for this sweet baby boy, MckMama and the rest of their family. I can't imagine what they are going through.
Prayers for Stellan

Monday, March 23, 2009

Lovin' Life!






They don't come any cuter than this folks! We had a fabulous weekend! It was so nice outside!Please take a moment and say a prayer for Stellan.


Friday, March 20, 2009

15 Months.

As bad as I hate to admit it, Baby Girl is 15 months old today! It seems like we had her first birthday party last weekend! Time flies when you're having fun! I snapped these while she was in the bathtub last night!

She loves to show you where her nose is!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Trial Run

Josh and I met with G-Man's doctor again today and we decided to go through with the trial run on the ADHD medication. Please keep your fingers, toes and everything else you have crossed that this works! We REALLY need it to! And we really need it to not make him have tics! If he starts having tics on the medication and they are "bad ones" then we can try another medication, but it's likely that it won't work either.

Now for a vent. While we were meeting with the doctor I heard my cell phone vibrating in my purse. Of course I didn't even look to see who it was because what we were talking with her about was more important than anything. So when we left I checked my voicemail. It was the assistant principal at G-Man's school. Apparently we forgot to sign his "bad notes"(and I say notes because he had one from PE also) and so they were calling to make sure we signed them tonight. Maybe it just hit me the wrong way, but I really wanted to go to the school and kick her tail! Really just pissed me off because first of all they KNOW what we are going through with him right now and they need to cut him some slack, he CAN NOT control himself. And the note from PE was because he didn't participate in warm ups.....grrrrrr.....we really don't care if he participates in warm ups right now. Sure, if he didn't have ADHD and ODD, then yes, he should participate, but right now don't we have bigger fish to fry than darn warm ups?

I love this blog, I feel much better now! :)

Have a peachy day!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sisterly Lurve!

I forgot that I never posted any pics from Allison's wedding! It's been almost a year! ha!How gross is that?!?!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ticking Time Bomb

So, you know, or if you have children you know, that Pinocchio(how'd they come up with that name anyway?) is out on DVD for it's 70th anniversary. Josh was at Wal-Mart on Saturday for some things and picked the movie up for the kiddos. The boys have worn the movie out. They have watched it about 500 times, no joke. They usually watch a movie at bedtime(if they were good at school) and last night you guessed it, Pinocchio. Josh was at work and I was laying in bed debating on whether or not I was going to go and turn their movie off when I heard it...the part I forgot ALLLLLLLLLL about.....the part where one of the kids says to the other, "Jack Ass!" Oh Lord! They are talking about the boy that is a donkey...but still! I just know that one of my boys is gonna let that come out at the perfect moment! I see it happening at baseball practice or in the middle of a baseball game......Master P is up to bat and G-Man yells out, "Come on jack ass, you can do it!" And I my friends will crawl under the bleachers! That reminds me of this story!

In other news, I had to register Master P for kindergarten last week. Ugh. I am really bummed about it. Really. He is the baby. :( He and G-man are both playing baseball this year! We are so excited! They are on the same team, YAY! We are playing in Dungarbill(as G calls it) again. We don't have a schedule yet....I will get that to you Grannies as soon as I get it!


Saturday, March 14, 2009


I just found out that Brother Sammy passed away yesterday. I've known him my entire life and he's just always been around...he was the preacher at my grandparents church. He married Josh and I. I will NEVER forget what he said during our wedding ceremony. When it came time to place the ring on Josh's finger he said to me, "Place this ring on his finger, I mean wrist!" Josh has a size 13 finger and his ring was huge! He was such a sweet man. His wife died several years ago and the few times I've seen him since then you could just tell that something was missing. So, I guess I'm not sad because he is EXACTLY where he wants to be! And I swear I just heard him say Amen!

Rev. Sammy B. Bell
TUSCALOOSA Rev. Sammy B. Bell, age 66, of Tuscaloosa, died March 13, 2009, at Hospice of West Alabama. Services will be 3 p.m. Sunday at Magnolia Chapel Funeral Home South with Rev. Charles E. Herron officiating. Burial will follow in Tuscaloosa Memorial Park with Magnolia Chapel Funeral Home South directing. Visitation will be tonight from 6 to 9 p.m. at the funeral home.He was preceded in death by his wife, Jean Bell, his father, Chester K. Bell, Sr., his stepfather, Robert Jones, and his mother, Mary Catherine Bell Jones.Survivors include two daughters, April Hodo (David) and Mandi Canty (Terry); five grandsons, Rhen Glover (Haley Miles), Rhett Glover (Mary Beth Hindman), Sam Hodo, Neal Hodo, and Tripp Canty; three granddaughters, Tyler Lancaster (Andrew), Faith Hughes, and Ashlyn Canty; his sister, Annie Lou Herron (Charles); and his brother, Chester K. Bell, Jr. (Sylvia). Diane Walsh was the person to whom he gave his heart for the past 2-½ years.Thirty-five years ago, Sammy was called to preach, and he was called to preach peace. He loved the Lord, and he lived the word of God. He said shalom and went home to be with his Lord.Pallbearers will be Rhen Glover, Rhett Glover, Keith Herron, Kevin Herron, Preston Lagrown, Andrew Lancaster, and Tim Bell.Honorary pallbearers are his spiritual family at West End Methodist Church, his golf buddies, D.L. Ryan, Mel Whitley, Paul Morrison, Darryl Evans, Charles Herron, Paul Gartmon, Jo Jones, Paul Summer, A.G. Bridges, Tom Colvin, John Gray, Dr. Anne Lewis, Dr. John Chandler (to us), Dr. Perry Lovely, Dr. Steve Lovelady, Rev. Neal Hodo, Hank and Lil Zaiontz, and Travis and Sonja Franklin.

Friday, March 13, 2009

More Sin in a Small Package!

YUMMO! That's all I have to say! I l-o-v-e peanut butter eggs! Obviously, I must like them, we did name our daughter after them! NO. NO. NO. I am just kidding! I do hide some so Josh and I don't have to share with the kids though! And I DO have some hiding in my desk at work! ha! After all, you ARE suppose to hide eggs, right?!?!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sweet G-man!

He melts my heart!

A little info you should know before I tell this story: when G-man is good at school, he gets money for the school store the next day. On this particular day, he had $1 to spend at the store.

Yesterday we were pulling out of the driveway headed to school/work and it looked like it was about to rain. A few weeks ago the boys broke my umbrella, so I didn't have one. I made mention of that to them so they would know that Mommy was gonna get wet! G-man said to me, "Well, I 'm sure you can borrow one from MiMi." I told him that I would just go and buy another one. Without hesitation he said, "Well, I will give you my dollar that I have to spend at the store." Sweetie Petie!

In other news with him, we saw the psychologist last week and SURPRISE he was diagnosed with ADHD. Can you believe it? ha! The only problem is that the medication used to help with ADHD will interfere with his tics...which I am not so sure exsist....and make them worse. We meet back with the other doctor next week to discuss our plan. Which is probably going to be to do a trial run with the medication to see if it makes the tics worse...if it does, then there is pretty much no medication for him.....THAT is going to be bad. We have learned to manage him at home...school, not so much. It scares me because he is REALLY smart and I am not just saying that, he really is and we have been told that by everyone who has come in contact with him. And he can't put his "smartness" to good use if he can't control the ADHD! So, please pray that the medication works!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Josh and I knew when we found out we were pregnant with Baby Girl that things would be SO different with a little girl in the house. But, man, you really don't know how different boys and girls are until you have your own! There's lots of pink, TONS of hairbows, dresses, jewelry, painted toes!!!!, baby dolls, etc. But it's the way she acts that is SO SO SO different! She loves to play with my hair and I LURVE that! She is a little mother hen. She cleans, it's so cute, she gets a paper towel or a rag and just walks around the house wiping stuff. If the boys are upset she is kissing them or petting them. She loves to give sugar(kisses) way more than the boys did...to her daddy, I have to beg or trick her into sugar these days. She is just so danty...it really amazes me how different boys and girls are!
This time last year....

Monday, March 9, 2009

Do you hear what I hear?!?!

Well, I just heard that Nancy O'Dell and Jewel were hurt practicing for Dancing With The Stars...guess who the replacements are!!!!!

That's right! Melissa and....
I know you know who Melissa is and Holly Madison is Hugh Hefner's recent ex-girlfriend! I must tell you that I secretly never miss an episode of The Girls Next Door! I know, I know! Holly is NOT my favorite girl on there, but it will still be fun to watch! I think Melissa will do well and I think ABC is brilliant for picking her after all the hype that has gone on in the last week with her and Jason. We'll see!

Friday, March 6, 2009


Here's Ben's last pic with floppy ears! He had surgery yesterday to make them stand. He had to spend the night at the vet last night and we missed him! I don't do alot of weekend blogging, if you haven't noticed, but I will try to get on here and post a pic of him tonight with his big boy ears!

P.S. I know he looks terrified in this pic, it's because of the leash...he doesn't do leashes yet! :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I'm Rude!

You've been warned...this post is rude. I have a headache and people are on my nerves.

Dear Mommy of twins that go to the same daycare as my children,

You REALLY get on my nerves! REALLY. You don't let parents get by you as you stand IN the gate leading to the playground, no matter how many times they say "excuse me". You won't move your big ass double wide stroller that your 2 year olds shouldn't even still be riding in out of the way in the halls as parents try to get by you even though they say "excuse me" to the top of their lungs. Are you deaf or just annoying the hell out of everyone? I could see past all of this until the other day, when you ran my sweet princess over with your BAS(big ass stroller) and then you wouldn't move your butt out of the way so she could even get up. THEN, you push at her with the damn thing. Let me tell you.....you better be glad I didn't let the momma tiger out of me that day and kick your tail in the church. I know that Jesus would totally understand my doing so. That was your only chance. Next time, you will hear mean words from me. Yesterday was the kicker of it all! You know, when you parked in the middle of 12th freakin' Ave. and put your flashers on and went inside to get your twins. If you hadn't noticed, 12th Ave. is being used to detour Bryant Drive traffic around the stadium(you know, where football is played) and is VERY busy right now. You should know that I told the cop you deserved a ticket. It pays to have a cop for a hubby, let me tell ya. I hope you got the ticket you deserved. Now, stay the hell out of everyones way!


Tiger Mom

Disclaimer: I have NOTHING against twins! There are twins in my family and one of my mom's good friends has TWO sets of twins. It's the lady on my nerves, not the babies!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Chicks and a Bachelor Rant

Before I forget for the millionth time....I forgot to write about the boys' conversation they had on the way to Big Mama's when it was snowing.

Master P: "God made the snow!"
G-Man: "Yep, he sure did! He took rain, mixed in a little milk and then there was snow!"

Those two crack me up!

And, speaking of snow, when I uploaded our pics of snow from this year, I came across one from last year......

I miss him! :(

Last night G-man and the entire Kindergarten performed at the PTO meeting. And before all you grandparents get mad at me for not telling you about it, I forgot about it until the night before and it was too late to try and get in touch with everyone. Josh had court so he couldn't be there so it was just me and the kiddos! The children did a really great job. The play was about farm animals and each class dressed as a different animal...G-man's class were shicks(chicks!). They were adorable! G-man did not like being up there in front of everyone! He wouldn't sing or anything if I was looking at him! All I wanted to do was stare at my cute little chick and I couldn't, becuase when I did, he buried his head and wouldn't do a thing!

(Top row, third from the right)

(Second row from bottom, second from right...head down, mommy watching!)

Now on to the Bachelor. A few weeks ago I decided that I didn't really care for Jason all that much anymore. Don't get me wrong, I didn't miss an episode, but the way he was acting really had me ticked at him! And, well, now I know why! He is a JERK! I wanted to jump through the T.V. and slap him to China. How can you propose to someone and then "take it back" a few weeks later and not even try to work things out? How can you break someone's heart like that Jason Mesnick? You suck. And if he would have "cried" one more time. Ughh! And don't give me anymore of the "doing it for Ty" crap either. Did you see Melissa with Ty? And then Molly with Ty? Hmmm....I'd say he picked a winner on that one! I will say that I am so proud of Melissa for giving it to him when he was breaking up with her...he deserved everything she said to him. I'll shut up now...have a blessed day!