Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Josh and I knew when we found out we were pregnant with Baby Girl that things would be SO different with a little girl in the house. But, man, you really don't know how different boys and girls are until you have your own! There's lots of pink, TONS of hairbows, dresses, jewelry, painted toes!!!!, baby dolls, etc. But it's the way she acts that is SO SO SO different! She loves to play with my hair and I LURVE that! She is a little mother hen. She cleans, it's so cute, she gets a paper towel or a rag and just walks around the house wiping stuff. If the boys are upset she is kissing them or petting them. She loves to give sugar(kisses) way more than the boys her daddy, I have to beg or trick her into sugar these days. She is just so really amazes me how different boys and girls are!
This time last year....

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