Monday, May 20, 2019

Life Lately

The end of the school year is upon us! HECK TO THE YES!!!!! This is my VERY favorite time of year! It is warming up outside and we are about to have almost no school responsibilities!! AH yes! The end of the school year brings SO many activities, here's what we've been up to lately!

Brooks and Mia both had field trips to the zoo! I went with B and Josh went with Mia! The trips were two days apart and I was super thankful my hubby didn't mind taking one of the trips! One is enough! haha!

Allison and I took Reece to the Carrie Underwood concert! It was amazing! She put on an awesome show! We she announced the tour back in the fall we thought it would be a fun end of year/end of elementary school treat for Reece! The day tickets went on sale I bought what I knew would be super awesome seats! There were two opening acts which we skipped because we are extra. When we arrived to our seats there was only one row in front of us, I thought there would be four. I front of that row were several empty chairs. Everyone was pretty much there at that point so I wondered what was going on. Then the lights went dark, Carrie started singing and I looked up to see Mike Fisher(Carrie's hubby if you live under a rock!) and their TWO babies walking to those seats! Y'all, they sat right in front of us! It was such a treat to see them. Little Isiah was singing and dancing to his mommy singing...I can not even! Baby Jacob slept through the entire thing!:) It was a fun night, one Reece won't forget!

I went with Griffin to his soccer banquet! That was a fun night! I'm so thankful he has found a sport he loves!

Griffin and Peyton had their spring band concert. Look how tall my boys are! Sheesh! Griffin doesn't love band anymore but Peyton is in the jazz band and killing it!

Mother's day! At the beach because it was about ME! :) I love these kids to their bones!

Brooks and Reece had their annual color trot at school! I always help with throwing color and end up covered myself! haha!

That's about 1/4 of life lately! HAHA!

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