On Saturday, we celebrated our sweet boy with a Barnyard Birthday Bash! He had the best time and so did we! LOTS of his friends came, I think we ended up with 18 kids there! They were all able to take a boat ride, feed the ducks and fish, pet and feed a cow, pigs, goats, chicks, mice, rabbits, horses, chickens, sheep, a llama, bottle feed baby pigs, ride a pony…I think that’s about it! He had a wonderful time!
Before I get to party pictures, on his actual birthday we took Brooks cupcakes to school for him and his little friends and then out to eat that night!
On to party pics!
He knew EXACTLY how to feed this little piggy!
Petting the chicks… “Ms. Kami, that chick doesn’t go on your head!”
Y’all! THIS CAKE!!! Perfection…inside and out!
He loves it when you sing “Happy Birthday” to him!
Help from Daddy!
And then it was present time!
We had such a great time celebrating our B!
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