Monday, December 30, 2013

Brooks – 8 Months!

Baby Brooks, you are 8 months old! I can’t believe how fast this first year is flying by! Here’s what you’re up to!

This month you went to your first movie-Frozen! You loved it! You slept for part of the movie and just sat in my lap for the other part and watched quietly! I took you, Sissy, Griff, Pey Pey & Noah by myself. Because I’m Superwoman!DSC_0128

You are still in a size 3 diaper. You are in 9-12 month clothes.DSC_0125

Figured out how to eat the sticker this month…DSC_0158 People are still calling you “she” and “girl”…Your eyelashes keep getting longer!DSC_0168

Bath time is one of your favorite parts of the day! You wait until time for me to wash your hair and you latch on to my arm like a spider monkey! You think this is the funniest thing ever!

Your breastfeeding/eating schedule is still exactly like last month!DSC_0139

Still no teeth, mommy is thankful for THAT! ;)

Sitting up like a pro!DSC_0197

You became a big cousin to Cason this month. You LOVE him! It’s fun to watch!

You are seriously the best baby. I drag you everywhere and you are just happy where ever!

Just to name a few…This month you’ve been to a closing…


You stayed with me at the hospital all day when Cason was born…IMG_20131205_085034 

Went with me to the dermatologist…


And, of course, we spend a lot of time at the office!

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You celebrated your very first Thanksgiving AND Christmas this month!(post coming soon!) It was a lot of fun!DSC_0209 And this one? This one’s just for ME! Eyelashes, nose, lips, drool, neck sugar…YES.DSC_0207



1 comment :

Cherry Berry said...

April, he is so stinking cute. I can't believe he's 8 months already.