Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Thanksgiving may very well be my favorite holiday! It’s definitely right up there with Christmas! I love spending time with family and you always have a few days to recover before returning to work!


Yes, the tree was up before Thanksgiving this year! I ALWAYS wait until the weekend after Thanksgiving to put it up but I just could not wait this year!

I can’t do this post without telling this funny story…My Dad has a couple of pet turkeys. They are very tame and friendly. They are attracted to anything red. Wellll Griffin and Peyton had on red shirts when we were at their house. After lunch they went outside to play. We were sitting by a window when like two flashes of lightening Griffin and Peyton went running across the yard…the turkeys were chasing them, one flying, one running! Griffin and Peyton were terrified and white as sheets! So funny! ha!

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Now it’s time for Christmas cheer! Actually, first it’s time for newborn snuggles because my little nephew will be here TOMORROW!!!!! Eeekkkkk!!!

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