Monday, October 28, 2013

Pumpkin Patch & Indian Mounds!

It happened. Two of my babies had field trips on the same day. Boo. Peyton to the Indian Mounds and Reece to the Pumpkin Patch! In the county that we live in, it is the County Board Policy that siblings are not allowed on field trips. Since Brooks stays with me, this means I couldn’t go. Double boo. I can’t leave him for more than a few hours since he’s nursing so leaving him with someone else was not an option. I probably could have talked to the principal and she would have let him go but really the logistics of taking him would just not have worked out. I mean, I’m not going to nurse in front of a bunch of kids! I understand the rule completely and I wish that ALL schools in the system would follow the rule! It stinks that I missed out BUT nursing my babies has always been top priority for me so it’s just something to deal with right now!

Thankfully, it was Gigi’s birthday and what better way to spend it than with a bunch of kindergartners? HAHAHAHA! She’s a trooper and Reece had fun!IMG_3441Josh went with Peyton to the Indian Mounds! They had a great time also! It’s so pretty there, we need to take a family trip soon!20131025_115412

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