Our sweet little love celebrated his 1/2 birthday yesterday! I can’t believe he is 6 months old! His little personality is really starting to show, and he’s a cool little dude!
Here’s what you’ve been up to B!
You weigh 18 pounds 7 ounces and are 27 inches long! 75th percentile on both!
You are SUPER close to sitting up all by yourself. Actually, when we took pictures last night, as long as nothing distracted you, you were sitting up perfectly! You are mobile. You roll EVERYWHERE! Just roll, roll, rollllll!You are such a happy, good baby! You rarely cry at all. There are some days that you don’t cry not one time ALL day. You have your routine and I know when you will be ready to eat or nap so we just handle things before you get irritable! You aren’t even crying in the car anymore! YAHOO!
You are still nursing like a champ! I feel like 6 months is a big milestone for breastfeeding! 6 more months to go! You are eating three meals of solids a day as well. You eat rice cereal for breakfast, one jar of food at lunch and two at dinner. You’ve tried out all the stage one foods; apples, bananas, pears, peaches, green beans, sweet potatoes, peas, prunes, carrots…I think that’s all. You REALLY like carrots! You like most of the fruits…you don’t really care for pears, got that from ME!
You are sleeping ok. Some nights it’s routine and you are up at around midnight and then back up at 3:30ish. I feed you a bottle of pumped milk at midnight and you are right back to sleep. When you wake at 3:30 you nurse and we both sleep through it. For some reason the past couple of weekends you haven’t really slept good at all. That definitely made for one tired mommy trying to keep up with four kids! I think it was just because we weren’t on the routine!
You still love bath time! Sometimes you draw a crowd, everyone in the house thinks you are so funny in the tub!
You are reaching for people! And you also started trying to reach for Daisy! She’s very curious about you also!We moved up to the size 3 diapers and they are HUGE. So, you are kinda in between sizes again. You wear 6 month and 6-9 month clothes!
You still have baby blue eyes and super long eyelashes. Seriously, they keep getting longer and longer!
You like to give kisses! Like, you hold us down sometimes and just kiss and kiss and kiss! It’s presh!
Our little photo shoot would not have been possible without the help of your favorite sister! You LOVE Sissy! And, the feeling is mutual! Actually, you think your brothers are awesome too! I most definitely have lots of help!
A few pictures from my phone from this month…
I’m sure you’ve all heard about Olivia. I meant to do a post on her, but haven’t had the time. She went to high school with my brother…they were both seniors. At the football game the Friday after her accident everyone wore purple for her! It’s kinda hard to find a way to dress a boy baby in purple(especially when everyone already thinks he’s a girl!) so we made a purple do-rag. Brooks and Cason are ready for Halloween!
Cute little toot!
Happy 6 months sweet lil fella! We love you!
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