Monday, October 14, 2013

Happy 11th Birthday Griffin!

Happy Griffin Day! Our sweet boy is eleven years old! Time please slow down! We had Griffin’s birthday at Super Skate over the weekend. Not my favorite place to partay but it’s not my birthday! Plus there’s NO where to have an eleven year old party around here. I DO have an awesome idea for next year’s party though…going to be SUPER FUN!  DSC_0765Why, yes, that is spit up on my arm! HA!DSC_0776 DSC_0778 DSC_0784 How it really is…DSC_0786 DSC_0774 B took himself a great nap!DSC_0789 Cake time!DSC_0797 I can see all of these boys at our house all the time in a few years…DSC_0806B still napping on Paw Paw! DSC_0801  Family pic! No, they aren’t taller than me…YET! They have on skates and I don’t! :)DSC_0815 Sweet peas!DSC_0821Me, Griff, MimiDSC_0823 DSC_0826Happy Birthday Griff-man! We love you SO much! Thank you for making me a mommy!

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